
Corona and the Norwegian economy

The pandemic and all the economic policy questions it immediately triggered, motivated many economists to participate in the public debate. Here is a list of things I've worked/wasted time on in an attempt to contribute, all done together with fellow economists in Norway. Written in Norwegian...

Platform for dissemination, including webinars every Tuesday at 8:30 am, of independent economic research on Corona and the Norwegian economy, run together with Kjetil Storesletten (UiO) and Fredrik Wulfsberg (OsloMet): https://sites.google.com/site/oslomacro/covid-19

Slides discussing economic policy measures in Norway and the Holden report on those, given at UiO on June 3 2020: Natvik_discuss_Holden.pdf

Slides on guiding principles and economic policy in Norway, from webinar given at BI on May 28, 2020: Natvik_Prez_BI_webinar_om_korona.pdf

Empirically based calculations to illustrate how the current Norwegian compensation scheme to businesses dis-incentivizes hiring of workers, and how alternative schemes emphasizing labor costs would perform instead, joint with Simen Markussen (Frisch) and Fredrik Wulfsberg (OsloMet): Alternative kompensasjonsordninger for næringslivet

Article on guiding principles for economic policy measures in times like these, joint with Espen Henriksen (BI) and Espen Moen (BI): Prinsipper for støttetiltak

Writings in Dagens Næringsliv since March 2020, often together with Espen Henriksen (BI) and Espen Moen (BI):

Krisetiltakene må endres slik at de fremmer verdiskaping, ikke hemmer den (21.04.2020)

Her er to viktige prinsipper som tiltakspakkene bør følge (27.03.2020)

Oppmyking av permitteringsreglene er neppe det beste tiltaket (18.03.2020)

Policy Memos from my time at Norges Bank, etc.

"Forventningsdrevet gjeldskrise og mottiltak",

with Lene Sauvik (Norges Bank),

Norges Bank Staff Memo, nr 7 2013.

"That Uncertain Feeling - How consumption responds to economic uncertainty in Norway",

with Jørgen Gudmundsson (Norges Bank),

Norges Bank Staff Memo, nr 23 2012.

"Om interaksjonen mellom pengepolitikk og tidsvarierende makroregulering av finanssektoren",

Norges Bank Staff Memo, nr 11 2011.

"Credit, Asset prices and Monetary Policy",

with Leif Brubakk (Norges Bank),

Norges Bank Staff Memo, nr 13 2010.

"Finanspolitiske Råd",

with Egil Matsen (NTNU) and Ragnar Torvik (NTNU),

Samfunnsøkonomen, nr 2 2010.

Matsen Natvik Torvik_Samfunnsøkonomen 2 2010.pdf