

liked one of my talks but missed a few details? didn't like one of my talks and you want to give me another opportunity? you missed one of my talks and would like to see how much you lost? here are a few slides for you.

  • a talk given at shanghaitech university, in honor of marie-francoise bidaut-veron and laurent veron, june 2020

  • a talk given at the one world pde seminar, university of bath, may 2020

  • a talk given at the rio de janeiro webinar on analysis and partial differential equations, may 2020

  • some lectures at shanghaitech, shanghai, part 1 and part 2, via zoom, may 2020

  • a talk given at s conference held at the university of augsburg, september 2019

  • a talk in honor of juan j. manfredi, cirm, june 2019

  • a talk given at rims, university of kyoto, june 2019

  • a colloquium given at the tokyo university of science, jume 2019

  • a talk given at the pde real analysis seminar, the university of tokyo, june 2019

  • a talk in honor of vladimir maz'ya, holon institute of technology, israel, may 2019

  • a talk given at national cheng kung university, taiwan, february 2019

  • a talk given at columbia university, december 2018

  • a talk given at courant institute, new york university, november 2018

  • a talk given at the oxford lunchtime seminar, june 2018

  • a talk in honor of vladimir maz'ya -- accademia dei lincei, may 2018

  • a talk given at the stampacchia memorial conference, sapienza rome, march 2018

  • a talk given at kias - seoul, february 2018

  • a talk given at turku, august 2017

  • lectures given at the 4th chicago summer school in analysis, university of chicago, june 2017 (an extensive survey here and a shorter one here)

  • a talk given at ictp, may 2017 (advanced school on nonlocal pde and applications)

  • cime summer school slides, lectures given at cetraro in july 2016

  • elliptic systems and nonlinear potential theory (talks given at barcelona, napoli, around 2015)

  • double phase problems (talks given at brighton, lausanne, napoli, oxford, pisa, umi siena - between 2014 and 2015) - version given at the telc regularity conference

  • nonlinear calderón-zygmund theory & recent progresses in nonlinear potential theory (part of the courses given at barcelona, bilbao, helsinki, madrid, pavia, prague, rio de janeiro, scuola normale, seoul, swansea, zürich - between 2011 and 2015)

  • nonlinear aspects of calderón-zygmund theory (former version of the above course, with somehow different material)

  • towards a nonlinear calderón-zygmund theory (primitive version of the preceding two talks, delivered at jyväskylä in 2008)

  • nonlinear potential theory (talks given at austin, berlin, bonn, basel, brighton, cambridge, canberra, columbia, indam, lausanne, minneapolis, oberwolfach, oxford, pittsburgh, prague, roma, sissa, stockholm, trondheim, warsaw, warwick, zürich and other places - between 2012 and 2015)

  • the talk in the above bullet as seen by an artist, in a research project between art and mathematics

  • nonlocal self-improving properties (talks given at accademia dei lincei, austin, levico, oxford, zürich - between 2013 and 2015)

  • singular sets (talks given at banach center, canberra, erlangen, freiburg, levico, lisboa, majorana center, oberwolfach, oxford, pittsburgh, prague, warsaw, sydney and other places - between 2005 and 2012)

  • boundary singularities (special version of the preceding talk, delivered at oberwolfach in 2010)

  • singularities and vectorial problems (plenary talk at the german mathematical society conference, 2008)