Statistical mechanics with applications to materials science (2018-2019)


The goal of the course is providing an introduction to the basic concepts and applications of equilibrium statistical mechanics.

IMPORTANT: students interested in attending the lectures should send an email to

IMPORTANT: Interested students can receive updates and info through the Telegram channel:

IMPORTANT: the lectures of April 30. and may 6 will NOT take place and will be postponed. New dates will be arranged.

The course will start on April 29, h.15-h.18 (Building B01, 2nd floor, Seminar room) and will follow the following calendar (some modifications can be due to unexpected duties of the teacher):

April 29 h15-h18

April 30, h15-h18 (postponed)

May 6, h15-h18 (postponed)

May 7, h15-h18

May 13, h15-h18

May 27, h15-h18

May 28, h15-h18

June 10, h15-h18

June 11, h15-h18

June 17, h15-h18



Observables; probability distribution; free energy and entropy; partition function.


Brownian motion and diffusion; correlation functions; fluctuation-dissipation theorem


Critical points; symmetry breaking and order parameter; Landau theory and mean field.


Ising and Heisenberg model; random ferromagnets; polymers; liquid crystals


D. Chandler, Introduction to Modern Statistical Mechanics (Oxford University Press, New York, 1987)

J. P. Sethna: Statistical Mechanics: Entropy, Order Parameters, and Complexity, Oxford University Press (2006)

P. M. Chaikin and T.C.Lubensky, Principles of Condensed Matter Physics (Cambridge U.P., Cambridge, 2000).

J. H. Weiner, Statistical Mechanics of Elasticity (Dover, 2002)

T. Kawakatsu, Statistical Physics of Polymers: An Introduction (Springer, 2004)

Detailed program and lecture diary

April 29, h15-h18.30


Thermodynamical systems: states and equations of state; transformations. First law of thermodynamics, internal energy. Second law of thermodynamics; thermal engines and efficiency; entropy. Third law of thermodynamics. Foundations of classical statistical mechanics. Observables and averages; probability distribution. Postulate of equal-a-priori probability. Boltzmann's formula for entropy, connection with thermodynamics.

May 7, h15-h18.30

Microcanonical ensemble. Systems at constant temperature. Canonical ensemble. Boltzmann distribution. Helmoltz free energy and partition function. Mechanically isolated systems at fixed temperature. Pressure. Partition function of a gas, equation of state. System at constant pressure and fluctuations of volume. Gibbs free energy. Fluctuation of particles. Chemical potential. Grand canonical ensemble. Grand partition function. Simple model of absorption. Constraint on an observable; Landau free energy.

May 13, h15-h18.30


Brownian motion and diffusion; correlation functions; Langevin theory

May 27, h15-h18.30

Properties of time correlation functions. Fourier transform and spectral analysis of fluctuations.

May 28, h15-h18.30

Linear response. Fluctuation-dissipation theorem. Damped harmonic oscillator.

June 10, h15-h18.30


Classification of phase transitions. Order parameter and critical exponents. Van der Waals' equation: Maxwell's construction, phase coexistence, critical point of the liquid-gas transition.

Landau's theory of phase transition; mean field theory; Application to magnetic systems.


Classical Ising model.

June 11, h15-h18.30

Explicit solution on the Ising model in one dimension and transfer matrix. Correlation functions. Absence of phase transition for the classical Ising model in one dimension. Ising model in two dimensions, spontaneous magnetization. Mean field solution of the Ising model. Long range interactions and the Curie-Weiss model.

June 17, h15-h18.30

Ising model in a random field, phase diagram. Heisenberg model. Landau theory for I order phase transitions: nematic liquid crystals.

June 18, h9-h11

Models for polymers: freely jointed chain and wormlike chain.