About Bio-Electronics Materials Lab

Our research interest is to synthesize smart electronic/photonic materials with 3-D morphology and develop soft electronics, photovoltaics, and bio-electronic interfaces.

Current researches

Soft Electronics & Photovoltaics 

Bio-Electronic Interfaces 

BEML intro video clip (Korean)

Postdoc Positions are Available

생체전자소재연구실과 함께하실 박사후연구원을 모집합니다.

(Field in Biology or Biochemistry, 미필 시 전문연구요원 가능)

본 연구실은 Organic/Inorganic Thin Film Transistor, Bio-mimetic Hydrogel,

Cell-Material  Interface, Catalyst for Hydrogen Production 등 다양한 분야의 연구를 진행중에 있습니다.

E-mail : mhyoon@gist.ac.kr 

연락처: 062-715-2320(professor's office), 3196(lab office)