
You can find my profile on LinkedIn, ResearchGate, Academia, DBLP, Scopus, ORCID, and Scholar.

Research connections

ELLIS UniTN unit

Funded projects (selected)

SUSTAIN: Smart Building Sensitive to Daily Sentiment (1.10.2022-31.03.2026)

Today's so-called 'smart' buildings utilise a wide range of sensors, actuators, and software programs to make them intelligent. However, they still lack a sense of awareness. The EIC-funded SUST(AI)N project will rectify this by the unparalleled development of precision-sensing AI processing shared across devices (i.e. distributed intelligence), and the flexibility and implementation efficiency of reconfigurable hardware. The integration of these interconnected, self-monitoring systems will enable probabilistic reasoning and, ultimately, the achievement of awareness. Application will make tertiary buildings compliant with regulatory decree 2010/31/EU (European Parliament) which stipulates the necessity for automation control systems by 2025.

Phoenix: Exploring the Unknown through Reincarnation and Co-evolution (01.10.2015-30.09.2019)

An ambitious H2020 FET-Open Project whose aim was to investigate a new line of technology that will enable the exploration of difficult-to-access environments exploiting a risky, highly-novel approach called Phoenix. Within the project I am work package leader for the research activities related to evolutionary algorithms and their integration with other parts of the system. Further information available on the CORDIS website and on this Prof. Peter Baltus' interview.

Software for Optimization and Evolutionary Computation

A tool that I co-designed and developed, maintained and commercialized by Cyber Dyne:

Kimeme (Network-based platform for multi-disciplinary process integration and multi-objective optimization in Java/Python)

Tools that I use in my class on Bio-Inspired Artificial Intelligence:

inspyred  (Bio-inspired Algorithms in Python)

DEAP (Distributed Evolutionary Algorithms in Python)

NEAT-Python (Python NEAT implementation)

Some other tools that I use -or used in the past- and that I think are worth trying:

µGP (A versatile evolutionary framework in C++) 

PEAS  (Python Evolutionary Algorithms)

Pyevolve (Python genetic algorithm framework)

EO (Evolving Objects in C++)

ECJ  (Evolutionary Computation for Java)

jMetal (Meta-heuristic Algorithms in Java)

Pagmo & pygmo (C++/Python scientific library for massively parallel optimization)