Université Bordeaux 1

Post date: Dec 16, 2008 5:19:40 PM

The French research and education system is creating a new type of junior academic position, called "Chair of Excellence". It is half-way between a teaching and a research position, with a significantly upgraded salary and an attached annual research budget. It is designed to attract top quality international scientists. The University Bordeaux 1 and INRIA Bordeaux are jointly opening a ``Chair of Excellence'' in Operations Research - Mathematical programming (see http://www.math.u-bordeaux.fr/~fv/pubProfRO/ ). The candidate should speak French well enough to get along with teaching. Candidates who do not currently hold an assistant professor position (or equivalent) should first apply for the qualification of Assistant Professor of the French Universities: registration is due by December 22. However, foreign candidates may be exempted from passing the qualification (For further details please contact Francois.Vanderbeck@math.u-bordeaux1.fr).