Topological Quantum Matter
Welcome to Gil Young Cho's group at KAIST!
We are studying condensed matter theory and theory for quantum technologies/computers, focusing on strongly correlated systems and topological phases of matter. We use and combine quantum field theory/conformal field theory, computational approaches like machine learnings, and quantum simulators/computers to study the physics of entanglement-enabled many-body quantum states such as topological insulators/superconductors, quantum Hall effects, spin liquids, strong correlation-driven ordered phases, and quantum critical states. We are also interested in (irrespective of their relation with condensed matter physics): Quantum Field Theory, Statistical Mechanics, and Quantum Algorithms.
The full publication list as well as selected papers from our group can be found at Publication List, from which you can learn more about specific research topics.
We are actively recruiting students and postdocs. If you are interested, please contact via See our current group members and alumni.
For undergraduate interns and prospective PhD students, please visit this page for more information
저희 그룹은 응집물질물리학 이론 및 양자기술 이론 연구 그룹으로, 강상관계와 위상물질를 포함한 양자물질 연구를 주로 수행하고 있습니다. 양자장론과 등각장론, 양자정보 이론, 양자컴퓨터/시뮬레이터,수치해석 방법(기계학습 등)과 같은 다양한 방법론을 결합하여, 많은 수의 전자, 큐비트, 보존으로 구성된 다체 양자 역학을 연구하는 그룹입니다. 위상 물질의 대표 격인 위상절연체, 초전도체, 양자 홀 상태, 스핀 액체를 포함하여, 양자 임계점, 비페르미 액체 등의 강상관 물질계를 연구합니다. 이 외에도, 양자 시뮬레이터, 컴퓨터 등에서 구현 가능한 새로운 양자 상태 탐색 연구를 수행하고 있습니다.
저희 그룹에서 발표한 논문 목록에서 어떤 연구들이 수행되고 있는지 확인할 수 있습니다.
저희 그룹은 현재 학부 인턴, 대학원생, 포닥 연구원을 모집하고 있습니다. 관심이 있는 분들은 gilyoungcho@gmail.com로 연락 바랍니다. 현재 그룹 멤버 역시 웹페이지에서 확인 가능합니다.
연구실에 관심 있는 학부생 인턴, 박사 과정 입학생들을 위한 정보는 웹페이지를 참고하면 되겠습니다.
News Media Coverage
(언론 소개)
(언론 소개)
지속적 플로케 상태 발견[Nature 2022]: 무한한 시간 유지 가능한 새로운 비평형 양자상태인 지속적 플로케 상태의 발견 연구.
국내매체: 조선비즈, 한국경제, 세계일보, 문화일보, 한겨레, 서울경제, 헤럴드경제, 머니투데이, 파이낸셜뉴스, 아시아경제, 전자신문, 연합뉴스 등
해외매체:, Science daily 등이달의 과학기술인상 수상[2022년, 조길영]: 이학/공학 전체 분야에서 매달 1명의 우수 연구자에게 주어지는 상.
국내매체: 서울경제, 동아사이언스, 매일경제, 한겨레, 세계일보, 아시아경제, 전자신문, 이데일리, YTN사이언스, 연합뉴스, 뉴시스, 뉴스1 등차세대 한국과학기술한림원 선발[2023년, 조길영]: 만 43세 이하 이학/공학 전체 분야의 차세대 리더가 될 연구자로 선발됨.
국내매체: 조선비즈, 한국경제, 연합뉴스, 동아사이언스, 경북일보, 경북매일 등스핀 네마틱 상태 발견[Nature 2024]: 이리듐 기반 자성 물질의 숨겨진 양자 질서를 발견하는 연구.
국내매체: 매일신문, 헬로디디 등양자 시뮬레이터의 오류정정 방법 개발[Phys. Rev. X 2024]: 중성원자 양자 시뮬레이터에 적용 가능한 오류정정 방법의 최초 개발.
국내매체: 한국강사신문, 연합뉴스, 헬로디디, 동아사이언스, 아시아경제 등새로운 초전도체 양자속박상태 조작법 설계 및 검증[Phys. Rev. Lett 2024]: 양자속박상태의 밴드구조 조작법 개발을 통한 양자기술 발전.
국내매체: 동아사이언스, 전자신문, 교수신문 등전례 없는 1/3 분수 상태 발견[Nature Communications 2025]: 큰 각도로 비틀린 이중층 그래핀의 1/3 분수 양자 홀 상태 개발 및 소자 개발.
국내매체: 한국경제, 연합뉴스, 전자신문, 뉴스프리존, 불교 방송, 헬로디디 등
Honors, Awards, Fellowships of Our Group
(그룹 멤버들 장학금, 수상 소식 등)
(그룹 멤버들 장학금, 수상 소식 등)
우수 논문상 (진세영, 2025) 우수 논문상 (안청응, 2025) 생애첫논문상(진세영, 2025)
장영실 펠로우 (이원준, 2025)
관정 이종환 장학생 (유민재, 2024) 이공계 대통령 장학생 (이원준, 2024) 우수 논문상 (이원준, 2024)
생애첫 논문상 (서동해, 2024) 삼성휴먼테크 금상 (진세영, 2024) 생애첫 논문상 (안청응, 2024)
응집물질물리학 젊은과학자상 (이원준, 2024)
포스테키안 펠로우쉽 (이찬빈, 2023) 우수발표상 (서동해, 2023) 관정 이종환 장학생 (진세영, 2023)
민병일 고체이론 논문상 (이원준, 2023) 우수 논문상 (이원준, 2023) 차세대 한국과학기술 한림원 (조길영, 2023)
소선나눔기금 장학생 (이원준, 2022) 관정 이종환 장학생 (김선표, 2022) 이달의 과학기술인상 (조길영, 2022)
삼성 휴먼테크 금상 (이원준, 2021) 신진물리학자상 (조길영, 2021) 융합인재펠로우쉽 (서동해, 2021)
포스테키안 펠로우쉽 (이원준, 2021) 관정 이종환 장학생 (홍문주, 2021) 생애 첫 논문상 (이원준, 2021)
우수 논문상 (이종준, 2021) 민병일 고체이론 논문상 (이종준, 2021) 우수 논문상 (이원준, 2021)
민병일 고체이론 논문상 (이원준, 2021) 우수 발표상 (이종준, 2021)
관정 이종환 장학생 (이원준, 2020) 설립 이사장상 (이원준, 2020) 포스코 청암 펠로우쉽 (이종준, 2020)
생애 첫 논문상 (이종준, 2020) 소선 나눔 기금 장학생 (이종준, 2020) 우수 강의상 (조길영, 2020)
News at Cho's group
Year of 2025
1) Seyoung Jin's paper is now published in Nature Communications, congratulations!
2) Seyoung's work is featured in media, congratulations !
3) Donghae's paper is submitted to peer-review journal, congratulations!
4) Seyoung has received "생애 첫 논문상" for her recent Nature Communications paper, congratulations!
5) Seyoung has received "우수논문상" for her recent Nature Communications paper, congratulations!
6) Cheong-Eung has received "우수논문상" for his recent PRL paper, congratulations!
7) Donghae's recent paper is accepted to PRB, congratulations !
8) Wonjun has been selected as the Jang Young Sil Fellow, congratulations !
Year of 2024
1) Wonjun Lee's paper is now published in Physical Review X, congratulations!
2) Wonjun's paper is now published in Nature, congratulations!
3) Dr. Sangjin Lee's paper is now published in Nature Communications, congratulations!
4) Seyoung Jin has received Samsung HumanTech Gold Prize in Basic Science, congratulations!
5) GYC's paper is now accepted to Sci-Post, congratulations!
6) Donghae Seo has received "생애 첫 논문상" for his recent publication in PRB, congratulations!
7) Wonjun Lee has received "우수 논문상" for his recent publication in PRX, congratulations!
8) Cheong-Eung and Wonjun's paper has been uploaded to Arxiv, congratulations!
9) Donghae's paper is now published in Physical Review B, congratulations!
10) Wonjun's paper is accepted to Physical Review Letters, congratulations!
11) Wonjun has received the presidential fellowship ("대통령 장학금") for his PhD studies, congratulations!
(Wonjun is selected through the 25:1 competition !)
12) GYC's paper is now posted on arxiv, congratulations !
13) Cheong-Eung's paper is now accepted to Physical Review Letters, congratulations !
14) Seyoung's paper is now submitted to the peer-review journal, congratulations !
15) Minjae Yu is selected as a recepient of "관정 이종환 장학금" for his graduate studies, congratulations !
16) Minjae Yu has passed his Master's thesis defence, congratulations !
17) Cheong-Eung has passed his PhD thesis proposal and became PhD candidate, congratulations !
18) GYC's paper is now accepted to NPG Asia Materials, congratulations !
19) Chanbeen Lee has passed his PhD thesis proposal and became PhD candidate, congratulations !
20) GYC's paper is finished and submitted to the peer-review journal, congratulations !
21) Cheong-Eung and Wonjun's paper is accepted to Phys. Rev. B Letter as Editor's suggestion, congratulations !
22) Seyoung Jin's paper is now submitted to the peer-review journal, congratulations !
23) Cheong-Eung has received "생애첫 논문상" for his recent PRL paper, congratulations !
24) Our group is now moved to KAIST, South Korea !
25) Wonjun has received "응집물질물리학 젊은과학자상 (Rising Young Scientist Award in Condensed Matter Physics)" of KPS, congratulations!
26) Cheong-Eung and Wonjun's paper is now published in Phys. Rev. B Letter as Editor's suggestion.
This article is also featured in Physics. Congratulations !
27) Wonjun's paper is now available in Arxiv, congratulations !
28) Wonjun's another paper is now avaiable in Arxiv, congratulations !
29) Donghae's new paper is now available in Arixv, congratulations !
30) Wonjun's paper is submitted to a journal, congratulations!
31) Donghae's paper is submitted to a journal, congratulations !
32) Seyoung's paper is accepted to Nature Communications, congratulations !
Year of 2023
1) GYC's paper is now accepted to Physical Review B!
2) Sangjin's paper is now published to Physical Review B, congratulations !
3) Wonjun Lee is on leave to MIT for 6 months as a visiting student, have a safe travel!
4) Dr. Sangjin Lee is moving to KIST for his next career, congratulations !
5) Wonjun Lee has received "우수 논문상" for his contribution to the recent Nature paper. Congratulations!
It's his 2nd time to receive the award. Keep up with good works !
6) Wonjun Lee has received "민병일 고체이론 논문상" for his contribution to the recent Nature paper. Congratulations!
It's his 2nd time to receive the award. Keep up with good works !
7) GYC's paper is now accepted to Advanced Materials !
8) Seyoung Jin received "관정 이종환 장학금" for her graduate study ! Congratulations !
9) Wonjun Lee's paper is now posted on Arxiv, congratulations!
10) Donghae Seo has received "우수발표상 (best presentation award)" from KPS, congratulations!
11) Donghae Seo's first paper is published in Phys. Rev. B! Congratulations!
12) Cheong-Eung Ahn's new paper is now posted on Arxiv, congratulations!
13) Wonjun Lee's paper is now accepted to Nature, congratulations!
14) Wonjun Lee's paper is now accepted to Phys. Rev. X, congratulations!
15) Chanbeen Lee has received "POSTECHIAN Fellowship", congratulations!
16) Dr. Sangjin Lee's paper is accepted to Nature Communications, congratulations!
17) Donghae Seo's paper is now poted on Arxiv, congratulations!
18) Wonjun Lee's paper is now posted on Arxiv, congratulations!
19) Donghae Seo has passed his proposal for his PhD, congratulations!
20) GYC is elected as an Young member of Korean Academy of Science and Technology (Y-KAST)!
조선비즈, 한국경제, 연합뉴스, 동아사이언스, 경북일보, 경북매일 등
Year of 2022
1) Wonjun's paper is now published at Nature! Congratulations :)
- This work has been featured in a number of (more than 40) news articles:
조선비즈, 한국경제, 세계일보, 문화일보, 한겨레, 서울경제, 헤럴드경제, 머니투데이, 파이낸셜뉴스, 아시아경제, 전자신문, 연합뉴스 and many more
2) Cheung-Eung's paper has been published in JKPS (invited research article)! Congratulations :)
3) Wonjun's paper is published in Physical Review B! Congratulations :)
4) Seonpyo has received "관정 이종환 장학금" for his graduate study! Congratulations :)
5) Minyoung's paper is uploaded to Arxiv today! Congratulations :)
6) GYC has received "this month's Science, Technology and Researcher award" (이달의 과학기술인상) from the ministry of science and ICT, Korea! 서울경제, 동아사이언스, 매일경제, 한겨레, 세계일보, 아시아경제, 전자신문, 이데일리, YTN사이언스, 연합뉴스, 뉴시스, 뉴스1 등.
* Interview is available at this website.
7) GYC has been promoted to Associate Professor !
8) Wonjun has received the graduate fellowship from "소선 나눔 기금" for his excellence in research. Congratualations!
9) Donghae and Minyoung's paper is uploaded to Arxiv today! Congratulations :)
10) GYC's paper is now accepted to Nano Letters!
11) Wonjun became "PhD candidate" (2022-12-13) ! Congratulations :)
Year of 2021
1) Wonjun Lee has published his first paper at Physical Review Letters. Congratulations!
2) Jongjun Lee has received "우수 발표상" at KPS Fall Meeting (2020). Congratulations!
3) Wonjun Lee has received "삼성 휴먼테크 논문 대상" 금상 수상 [공동]. Congratulations!
4) Jongjun Lee has received "우수 논문상" for his contribution to the recent PRL paper. Congratulations!
5) Wonjun Lee has received "우수 논문상" for his contribution to the recent PRL paper. Congratulations!
6) Jongjun Lee has received "민병일 고체 이론 논문 상" for his contribution to the recent PRL paper. Congratulations!
7) Wonjun Lee has received "민병일 고체 이론 논문 상" for his contribution to the recent PRL paper. Congratulations!
8) Wonjun Lee has received "BK First Paper Award". Congratulations!
9) Jongjun Lee's second paper is published at Physical Review Letters. It's his 2nd PRL. Congratulations! (2021/05/08)
10) Moonju Hong has received "관정 이종환 장학금" for his graduate study. Congratulations! (2021/04/27)
11) Wonjun Lee has received "POSTECHIAN Fellowship (포스테키안 펠로우십)". Congratulations! (2021/05/21)
12) Donghae Seo has received "융합 인재 Fellowship". Congratulations! (2021/06/21)
13) GYC has received "신진물리학자 상" from KPS (2021/10/20).
14) Wonjun Lee's paper is accepted to Nano Letters. Congratulations! (2021/12/09)
15) Wonjun Lee's paper is accepted to Nature. Congratulations! (2021/12/16)
Year of 2020
1) Jongjun Lee has published his first paper at Physical Review Letters. Congratulations!
2) Wonjun Lee has uploaded his first paper to arxiv. Congratulations!
3) Wonjun Lee has received "관정 이종환 장학금" for his graduate school. Congratulations!
4) GYC has received Best Lecturer Award (우수 강의상).
5) Wonjun Lee has received "설립이사장상" for his GPA achievement of his Bachelor's degree. Congratulations!
(The award is given to the student, who achieved the highest GPA at the commencement.)
6) Jongjun Lee has received POSCO Science Fellowship ("포스코 청암 사이언스 펠로") for his graduate school. Congratulations!
7) Jongjun Lee has received his "First Paper Award" ("생애 첫 논문 상") for his recent publication at Physical Review Letters. Congratulations!
8) Jongjun Lee has uploaded his new paper to arxiv, which will be submitted to Journal, soon. Congratulations!
9) Jongjun Lee has received "소선 나눔 기금" for his excellence in research. Congratulations!