
ATTENTION: Ratiocalc written in Labview will no longer be updated! For an updated version of Ratiocalc install "Ratiocalc R", downloadable here.

Ratiocalc is a computational program suited for processing volcanic gas concentrations time series produced from any multisensor device (aka MultiGAS analyzer).

It is primarily intended for calculating gas molar ratio (e.g. CO2 and SO2 ) and error respectively from the slope and the correlation coefficient of the best fit line. In addition, Ratiocalc provides an integration of satellite maps from Google® (by the Google Static Maps API) that enables an identification of the gas sources and/or topographic elements. Finally, Ratiocalc makes available user-friendly tools for detrending signals, by interpolating 5-10 hand-positioned points with a spline, removing the interferences or cross-sensitivities to the gas measurement and calibrating each sensor for an amplitude-to-concentration signal conversion.

This program is written in LabVIEW and saved as a stand-alone application, so no additional software is required for this to run.

Ratiocalc 3.2 has been built with Labview 2016, the user must uninstall previous versions of Ratiocalc and run the installer of the new version.

Please, cite this article if you are going to publish data processed with Ratiocalc:

Tamburello, G. (2015), Ratiocalc: software for processing data from multicomponent volcanic gas analyzers, Computers and Geosciences, accepted May 04, 2015, CAGEO-D-14-00579.

Relesed Ratiocalc 3.2!

ATTENTION: Avast Antivirus seems to block Ratiocalc run. If you experience this problem, add Ratiocalc folder in the exception list of your anti-virus.


If the user has Labview 2016 already installed, he can download just the executable Ratiocalc