
Asymptotics of the φ14 measure in the sharp interface limit,

Lorenzo Bertini, Paolo Buttà, Giacomo Di Gesù, 2024. arXiv

Spectral analysis of discrete metastable diffusions

G. Di Gesù, Communications in Mathematical Physics 402, 543-580, 2023.

Sharp tunneling estimates for a double-well model in infinite dimension, 

M. Brooks and G. Di Gesù, Journal of Functional Analysis, 281(3), 2021. arXiv

The exit from a metastable state: Concentration of the exit point distribution on the low energy saddle points, part 1, 

G. Di Gesù, T. Lelièvre, D. Le Peutrec, and B. Nectoux, Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées 138, 242-306, 2020. arXiv

Sharp asymptotics of the first exit point density

G. Di Gesù, T. Lelièvre, D. Le Peutrec, and B. Nectoux, Annals of PDE 5(5), 2019. arXiv

Full metastable asymptotic of the Fisher information, 

G. Di Gesù and M. Mariani, SIAM J. Math. Anal., 49(4), 3048–3072, 2017. arXiv 

An Eyring-Kramers law for the stochastic Allen-Cahn equation in dimension two

N. Berglund, G. Di Gesù and H. Weber, Electron. J. Probab. 22(41), 1–27, 2017.

Small noise spectral gap asymptotics for a large system of nonlinear diffusions

G. Di Gesù and D. Le Peutrec, Journal of Spectral Theory 7(4), 939–984, 2017. arXiv 

Jump Markov models and transition state theory: the Quasi-Stationary Distribution approach

G. Di Gesù, T. Lelièvre, D. Le Peutrec, and B. Nectoux, Faraday Discussions 195, 469–495, 2016.  arXiv

Small noise asymptotic of the Gallavotti-Cohen functional for diffusion processes, 

L. Bertini and G. Di Gesù, ALEA Lat. Am. J. Probab. Math. Stat. 12, 743–763, 2015.

Semiclassical spectral analysis of discrete Witten Laplacians

G. Di Gesù, PhD thesis, University of Potsdam, 2013.