Toponym Record

This template shows the format used for all toponym records.

Administrative Status (e.g. District, Region or Country Capital) where applicable



Background to how and why place obtained its name.

If more than one explanation is given, they are numbered to correspond with alternative meanings given, thus: 1., 2., etc.

References to sources below are indicated by name, initials, or 'URL'.

References to regularly used online sources are given by initials only where unambiguous.

Indig. Lang.

Language of environment

Source Lang.

Language of place name

Etymological analysis of name: literal translation of each element¹, and overall meaning

Photograph if available

Photograph if available

Photograph if available

¹ Second-level etymology is not generally given, e.g. for the place name 'Praso', the meaning would be given as:

Pra = river name; so = on: On the River Pra

no translation being given of 'pra'. It is hoped at a later stage that it will be possible to extend the project to include the etymology of such elements.