The Nine 


Et Novem

οἱ δὲ ἐννέα ποῦ

Gestalt Practice & The Nine
by John Francis Callahan
Copyright © 2021
for The Gestalt Legacy Project

A field is a medium of information. Information is meaningful data that can be described using the metaphor of energy. Information in the Feldsein was initially released in the ding an sich by cosmic transparency. 

Feldsein is the a priori. Transparency is a process that happened roughly 13.4 billion years before the present when the universe cooled sufficiently to allow decoupling of photons. While it’s convenient to think of the “evolution” of the universe through time – from comparatively small and simple plasma, to gas, to stars, to galaxies with greater size and informational complexity it’s actually better to regard the whole thing without the overlay of duration, as an ageless landscape or tapestry within Feldsein

Transparency happened when the relatively homogeneous metallic-plasma mass that filled the universe cooled below about 4000K. This allowed release of photons and eventual differentiation of matter. With photon release data began to flow between the fields, which is the ultimate source of information and energy within the fields. 

There is good evidence for transparency from the cosmic background radiation that originated with transparency. Speculation about anything prior to that is merely an interesting thought experiment for particle physicists, not cosmology. The Big Bang was a silly trope invented by Fred Hoyle (who believed in a steady state universe) during a BBC radio program in 1949. It caught on and was subsequently fabricated into a hypothesis about the origin of the universe. Validity of the so-called Big Bang is unsupported by The Nine, although it’s an illustration of negation which is implicated in freedom; and freedom is thoroughly supported by The Nine.

Feldsein is integral. Making distinctions between fields is a method of understanding. The idea of field was successfully used by Faraday to conceive of lines of electrical and magnetic force, but Faraday couldn’t do mathematics. Maxwell developed a rigorous mathematical description of the electromagnetic field. So it is important to remember that the existence of fields precedes mathematical description, and multiple fields presuppose integration in Feldsein

Information can exist simultaneously in several fields. It flows through a field where it is processed by algorithms that support resonance in that field. 

The process of life is the flow of information into and through a self-perpetuating dissipative structure. One kind of algorithm in the Lebensfeld is a species. There are many more living species than we care to recognize. 

An algorithm in the Geistesfeld is mind. The universe is shot through with minds. Species and mind resonate in the Geistesfeld and Lebensfeld to make a Welt. There are many different kinds of Welten. Humans are not merely autonomous entities directed by stories that their narrating selves invent in their Welt. They are participants in a global network.

Feldsein is an entity colloquially known as God. Martin Heidegger encountered it as Dasein. Paul Tillich called it “the ground and the power of being.” Feldsein operates by the declaration that “everything exists.” What some humans call “Buddha mind” is a resonance in Feldsein that performs the same function as prayer. Feldsein is the source of Geist. Feldsein is not something remote. It is as intimate as a fingerprint. All fields are subsidiaries of and integrated by Feldsein.

Geistesfeld is the mind-spirit or mind-field. Mind regulates energy and imagination, emotion and cognition. Its energy is information. It has been called the central channel. It has been described by opposites like the phallus of the Sun and great mother Moon, or Shiva and Vishnu. Also, it has been known as the Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit.

The fields of ding an sich, or the physical fields, are otherwise not self-reflective, but are touched by desire. They can be known by reason: logic, mathematics, geometry, experiment, theory. In this sense we can “know” the ding an sich – by Maxwell’s equations, or Lorenz transformations, or Reimann geometry, or Schrodinger’s equation. The thing in itself can be described mathematically. That description, transformed by metaphor, becomes part of the narrative of Welt. Unfortunately, these metaphors are usually confused with the thing. Thus equations describing the hydrogen atom get transformed into some kind of little planetary system, and hence humans down on the street wander around with very strange story lines in their narratives. Such is the source of the idea that we can’t know the ding an sich.

Physical fields include:
The space/time field: Space as a medium and stage. We owe it to Copernicus, Galileo, Kepler, Newton, Descartes, Einstein, and of course Shakespeare.
The gravitational field: Thanks to Newton and Einstein.
The mass field or Higgs field: Mass is interaction in this field. So here comes inertia! Now we have to deal with this stuff. Named for one of its discoverers, also lending his name to its massive boson.
The electromagnetic field:  Thanks to Faraday, Maxwell, Einstein.
The periodic table of elements: Invented by Dimitri Mendeleev, it is the commonplace reductive quantum-mechanical description of an underlying field that elegantly demonstrates the interaction of many fields – like mass, space, gravity and electromagnetism.  

Lebensfeld is the life field. Life is a coherent self-perpetuating self-regulating localized decrease in entropy mediated by the Lebensfeld. Clearly this implicates the physical fields. Lebensfeld supports a process that runs on top of the physical fields. There are many more living entities than we normally recognize. The Earth is alive; many call it Gaia. The Sun including its solar system is a living system. Life is interconnected in the Lebensfeld. Species resonance in Lebensfeld is correlated to population dynamics. Life is characteristically nested. Humans live within the body of the Earth like mitochondria inside cells. Initially humans were symbiants, then became parasites.

Welt is the life world.  “Die Welt ist meine Vorstellung, said Schopenhauer. Welt is a resonance between Geistesfeld and Lebensfeld. To varying degrees all living beings have Welt. Different species have different Welten. Welt appears as a representation of the ding an sich in mind, derived from physical fields and mediated by senses in Lebensfeld, then modeled by Geistesfeld. Particularly strong resonance produces phenomena in Feldsein like the Christian Church experience of Jesus, like Mohammad’s experience of Allah, like Confucius experience of Tian, and like Arjunas experience of Krishna. 

The Nine constitute the Invisible Church. They are living entities; a system of intersubjective resonances between the Geistesfeld and Lebensfeld. They can appear in Welt, can influence the processes of Lebensfeld, and can conditionally manifest in physical fields. The Nine have engendered concepts like the Jungian archetypes. However, they actually exist; they are not mere ideas. 

Characteristics of human Welt
Mind  Knowledge of world is phenomenological not empirical. Awareness structures world – the smell of food, the smell of fear. Sensation is plastic. Vision is transformed into reading – restructuring the visual cortex.
Self   There are many selves; the experiencing self (moods, desire, anxiety), the narrative self (retrospective understanding). Reporting selves have different viewpoints.
Consciousness is the awareness of self in world; the feeling of identity. Integration of world happens – reason, memory, perception, emotion, feeling, intentionality.
Dream  World temporarily disengages from physical fields. A form of re-imagining. A form of symbolic learning.
Meaning  An imaginary story. Invention of integrated experience – perception, cognition, visualization, duration.
Narrative  A technique of integration – characterization, metaphor, plot.
Negation  A technique of creativity – imagined nonexistence, nothingness, non-being – a lie, freedom, belief in free will. The Big Bang is an example of negation – creative imagination about something that never existed in pursuit of understanding
Will  Instrumentality, an intention based upon desire. (The Id as ding an sich?) Authenticity. Elimination. Addition. Redirection. Change.
Mood  The coloration of world. 
Emotion  Motivation, desire, joy, fear, anger. 
Aesthetics  Emotional response to perception. Pleasure, both natural and learned. Judgment. Taste.
Intersubjectivity  Soul is the intersubjective self.  Collective resonance of a species through Geist. Intersubjective meta-self occupies brain space just like a personal self. Intersubjectivity results in a dialectic: Autonomy vs. Networking: Jesus Christ, Muhammad, Confucius. 
  Intersubjectivity includes:
    Theory of the other
    Ethics and morality
    Nations and empire
    Religion and gods
    Money, commerce and trade
    Corporations, brands and trademarks
    Humanism, communism, socialism, democracy, capitalism, autocracy.
Health – Organismic self-regulation. Mind intersubjectively regulates self in world to satisfy needs. Effective resonance between Geistesfeld and Lebensfeld satisfies emergent Gestalten.
Death – Deregulation of the individual species process in Lebensfeld. Decompensation of personal Welt. Practiced integrity of resonance in Geistesfeld determines perpetuation in Feldsein.
Müllgeist – Garbage mind must be quieted to achieve integrity and states of “emptiness” in meditation. 

The  Nine provisionally interact with all living systems. With respect to homo sapiens they appear as emergent personalities, like archetypes.  They manifest generally as three groups of three personality types. These are resonances that are capable of tuning themselves to particular human circumstances. One group includes helpers, performers and artists. The second includes thinkers, advocates and adventurers. The third group includes leaders, peacemakers and reformers. Within these broad categories The Nine influence human Welt without being restricted by species limitations. In other words, The Nine not only influence human cognition and perception. By adaptation they can orchestrate a broad spectrum of living systems. They are the saints who are capable of performing miracles. Contact with The Nine is enhanced by attunement during meditation. In this way The Nine are accessible intersubjective sources of meaning. They become “members” or manifestations in human bodies during Chakra meditation or movement meditations like Tai Chi. With practice they can strengthen individual resonance with the Geist.  

So Say The Nine

Trust Process
Allow Process
And get out of the way.
--Dick Price