I Know the Words

Chumash Vocabulary Project

The biggest challenge we face in teaching Chumash is students' limited familiarity with the vocabulary. The good news is that more than 80% of the words are based on a relatively small number of high-frequency (10 times or more) root words. Follow the links below to a low-tech program for teaching high-frequency Chumash vocabulary.

Breishis Primer: a list of the words that are high-frequency in each of the five Chumashim.

Breishis: a list of the words that are high-frequency in Sefer Breishis.

Breishis-Shmos: a list of the words that are high-frequency in Sefer Breishis or Sh'mos.

Breishis-Vayikra: a list of the words that are high-frequency in Sefer Breishis, Sh'mos or Vayikra.

Breishis-Bmidbar: a list of the words that are high-frequency in Sefer Breishis, Sh'mos, Vayikra or B'midbar.

Breishis-Dvarim: a list of the words that are high-frequency in Sefer Breishis, Sh'mos, Vayikra, B'midbar or D'varim.