
Please find here for download the official Germeval 2014 evaluation script and the evaluation plan

which outlines the design choices that we made for our evaluation.

For executing the evaluation script, you need to have perl 5 installed. Copy the evaluation script and the file to be evaluated (here: eval-sample-d.tsv) in the same directory, and execute:

shell> perl nereval.perl < eval-sample-d.tsv

For this sample file, evaluation results look as follows:

STRICT: Found: 10 outer and 5 inner phrases; Gold: 12 (outer) and 1 (inner).

LOOSE: Found: 10 outer and 5 inner phrases; Gold: 12 (outer) and 1 (inner).

1. Strict, Combined Evaluation (official):

Accuracy: 92.47%;

Precision: 40.00%;

Recall: 46.15%;

FB1: 42.86

2. Loose, Combined Evaluation:

Accuracy: 93.84%;

Precision: 53.33%;

Recall: 61.54%;

FB1: 57.14

3.1 Per-Level Evaluation (outer chunks):

Accuracy: 91.78%;

Precision: 60.00%;

Recall: 50.00%;

FB1: 54.55

3.2 Per-Level Global Evaluation (inner chunks):

Accuracy: 93.15%;

Precision: 0.00%;

Recall: 0.00%;

FB1: 0.00

Side note: It was also brought to our attention that the evaluation contains an ambiguous formulation which would like to clarify. On page 3, the sentence "In line with the split between first and second level performed by M3, we will consistently evaluate the two levels separately." refers to *all* metrics (M1 through M3), not just M3.

In other words, predicting the correct label-span combination on the wrong level will not count as a true positive for any of the evaluation metrics.

