Publications & Presentations

Refereed Publications

Bodur, K., Bertrand, R., German, J. S., Rauzy, S., Fredouille, C. and Meunier, C. (2023). Speech reduction: Position within French prosodic structure. Proceedings of Interspeech 2023, 117-121. [doi]

Chong, A. J. and German, J. S. (2023). Prominence and intonation in Singapore English. Journal of Phonetics, 98: 101240. [doi]

Marty, É., Bertrand, R., Petrone, C., & German, J. S. (2022). Prosodic Correlates of Discourse Structure and Emotion in Discourse Markers that Preface Announcements of News. In Speech Prosody 2022, 605-609.

Barrault, A., German, J. S., & Welby, P. (2022). Anticipatory marking of (non-corrective) contrastive focus by the Initial Rise in French. In Proceedings of Speech Prosody 2022, 357-361.

Barrault, A., Welby, P., & German, J. S. (2022) Perceptual relevance of the French Initial Rise in identifying the left edge of a contrastive focus. In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Tone and Intonation (TAI), 244-248.

Neergard, K. D., Xu, H., German, J. S., & Huang, C.-R. (2022). Database of word-level statistics for Mandarin Chinese (DoWLS-MAN). Behavior Research Methods, 54, 987-1009. [doi]

Bodur, K., Branje, S., Peirolo, M., Tiscareño, I., & German, J. S. (2021). Domain-initial strengthening in Turkish: Acoustic cues to prosodic hierarchy in stop consonants. Interspeech 2021. Brno, 31 August-3 September. [pdf]

Llanos, F., German, J. S., Gnanateja, G. N., & Chandrasekaran, B. (2021). The neural processing of pitch accents in continuous speech. Neuropsychologia, 158: 107883. [open access]

Grice, M., German, J. S., and Warren, P. (2020). Intonation systems across varieties of English. In C. Gussenhoven and A. Chen (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Language Prosody. OUP. [OSF]

German, J. S., and Portes, C. (2020). Continental French, Corsican French, and the interpretation of intonation: The effect of implicit social cues depends on exposure. Proceedings of Speech Prosody 2020: 200. [doi][pdf]

Michelas, A. and German, J. S. (2020). Focus marking and prosodic boundary strength in French. Phonetica 77(4): 244-267. [doi] [prepub]

Portes, C. & German, J. S. (2019). Implicit effects of regional cues on the interpretation of intonation by Corsican French listeners. Laboratory Phonology 10(1): 1–26. [doi][pdf]

Kadiyala, S. P., Sen, A., Mahajan, S. Wang, Q., Lingamaneni, A., German, J. S., Xu, H.; Palem, K. V.; Basu, A. (2019). An optimum inexact design for an energy efficient hearing aid. Journal of Low Power Electronics, 15(2), 129-143. [doi]

Petrone, C., German, E. S., German, J. S., Ito, K. (2019). Effects of tune and interspeaker differences on the interpretation of requests and offers. Proceedings of the International Congress of Phonetic Sciences ICPhS2019. [pdf]

Chong, A. J. and German, J. S. (2019). Variability in tonal realisation in Singapore English intonation. Proceedings of the International Congress of Phonetic Sciences ICPhS2019. [pdf]

Hsu, Y-Y. and German, J. S. (2018). Prosodic organization and focus realization in Taiwan Mandarin. Proceedings of the 32nd Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation - PACLIC 32. [pdf]

German, J. S. and Chong, A. J. (2018). Stress, tonal alignment, and phrasal position in Singapore English. Proceedings of Tonal Aspects of Languages - TAL 2018. [pdf]

Lamarque, R. and German, J. S. (2018). Community- and individual-level variation in Japanese compound loanword formation. In Proceedings of the Berkeley Linguistics Society - BLS 43. [pdf]

Chong, A. and German, J. S. (2017). The accentual phrase in Singapore English. Phonetica 74(2), 63-80. [doi] [prepub]

German, J. S. and Prévot, L. (2016). Sentence-final particles in Singapore English: Are they pragmatic or phonological? In Proceedings of Speech Prosody 2016. [pdf]

German, J. S. and D'Imperio, M. (2016). The status of the initial rise as a marker of focus in French. Language and Speech, 59(2), 165-195. [doi] [ms]

Kadiyala, S. P., Sen, A., Mahajan, S., Wang, Q., Avinash, L., German, J. S., Xu., H., Banerjee, A., Palem, K. V. (2015). Perceptually Guided Inexact DSP Design for Power, Area Efficient Hearing Aid. In Proceedings of IEEE BioCAS 2015. [pdf]

Chong, A. J. and German, J. S. (2015). Prosodic phrasing and F0 in Singapore English. In Proceedings of ICPhS 2015. [pdf]

D'Imperio, M. and German, J. S. (2015). Phonetic detail and the role of exposure in dialect imitation. In Proceedings of ICPhS 2015. [pdf]

Ho, D. and German, J. S. (2015). Direction of priming and phonetic prototypicality in VOT specificity effects. In Proceedings of ICPhS 2015. [pdf]

Hamzah, D. and German, J. S. (2014). Intonational phonology and prosodic hierarchy in Malay. In Proceedings of Interspeech 2014. [pdf]

Amin, T. B., German, J. S. and Marziliano, P. (2014). Detecting voice disguise from speech variability: Analysis of three glottal and vocal tract measures. POMA, 20, 060005, 19 pp. [doi] [pdf]

Amin, T. B., Marziliano, P. and German, J. S. (2014). Glottal and vocal tract characteristics of voice impersonators. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 16(3), 668-678. [doi] [pdf]

German, J. S., Carlson, K. and Pierrehumbert, J. B. (2013). Reassignment of consonant allophones in rapid dialect acquisition.  Journal of Phonetics, 41(3), 228-248. [doi] [ms]

(Also see Pierrehumbert (2016) for a supplementary analysis of the data presented in this study.)

D'Imperio, M., German, J. and Michelas, A. (2012). A multi-level approach to focus, phrasing and intonation in French.  In Elordieta, G. and Prieto, P. (eds), Prosody and Meaning (pp. 11-35).  Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton. [ms]

Amin, T.B., Marziliano, P. and German, J. S. (2012). Nine voices, one artist: Linguistic and acoustic analysis.  Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo 2012 (ICME2012), 450-454. [doi] [pdf]

German, J. S. (2012). Dialect adaptation and two dimensions of tune.  In Q. Ma, H. Ding and D. Hirst (Eds), Proc. of the 6th International Conference on Speech Prosody (pp. 430-433). Shanghai: Tongji University Press. [pdf]

German, J., Sagi, E., Clark, B. and Kaufmann, S. (2011).  The role of speaker beliefs in determining accent placement. In Benz, A., Ebert, C. and van Rooij, R. (eds), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (FoLLI): Language, Games and Evolution (pp. 92-116). Berlin: Springer-Verlag. [pdf] († The original publication is available at

German, J. and D'Imperio, M. (2010). Information structure and phrase length as predictors of AP-initial accents.  In Neveu, F., Toke, V. M., Klingler, T., Durand, J., Mondada, L., and Prevost, S., CMLF 2010-2ème Congrès Mondial de Linguistique Française (11 pp.). Les Ulis, France: EDP Sciences. [doi] [pdf]

German, J. and D'Imperio, M. (2010). Focus, phrase length, and the distribution of phrase-initial rises in French. Speech Prosody 2010, 100207:1-4. [pdf]

German, J., Pierrehumbert, J. and Kaufmann, S. (2006). Evidence for phonological constraints on nuclear accent placement. Language 82(1), 151-168. [doi] [pdf]

Invited Lay Papers

Amin, T. B., German, J. S. and Marziliano, P. (2013). Detecting voice disguise through vowel sounds and vocal cord movements. In Acoustical Society of America World Wide Press Room (San Francisco Edition). [html]

Conference Presentations (without proceedings)

Llanos, F., German, J. S., Gnanateja, G. N., and Chandrasekaran, B. (2020). Dynamic encoding of English pitch accents in EEG responses to continuous speech: effects of native language experience and attention. Society for the Neurobiology of Language, 21-24 October.

Brown, L., Arnold, A., Candea, M. Reid-Collins, A, and German, J. S. (2019). The effect of language attitudes on short term language convergence. 4th Conference on Experimental Approaches to Perception and Production of Language Variation (ExAPP 2019), 26-28 September.

Ito, K., German, J. S., German, E. S. and Petrone, C. (2019). Intonation affects perlocutionary meaning in requests and offers. 3rd Phonetics and Phonology Conference in Europe (PaPE 2019), 17-19 June.

Brown, L., Arnold, A., Reid-Collins, A, German, J. S. & Maria Candea. (2019) Non-binary speakers, phonetic variation and gender perception: Investigating indexicality through emerging identities. Meaning and Indexicality across Subfields and Genres, 12-13 April.

Brown, L., Arnold, A., Reid-Collins, A, German, J. S. & Maria Candea. (2019). Non-binary speakers, phonetic variation and gender perception: Investigating indexicality through emerging identities. Social Meaning Berlin 2019, 20-21 March.

German, E. S., German, J. S., Ito, K., and Petrone, C. (2018). Effects of tune choice on the multi-dimensional interpretation of requests and offers. Workshop on Prosody and Meaning (ProMAix), 8 November.

German, J. S. (2018). Lee Kuan Yew at the barbecue: When social enrichment interacts with propositional content. Workshop on Sociolinguistic, Psycholinguistic and Formal Perspectives on Meaning, Paris, 1-3 July.

Ito, K., German, J. S., Petrone, C. and German, E. S. (2018). Effects of intonation on the multi-dimensional interpretation of requests and offers. Workshop on Sociolinguistic, Psycholinguistic and Formal Perspectives on Meaning, Paris, 1-3 July.

Petrone, C., German, E. S., Ito, K. and German, J. S. (2018). Multidimensional interpretation of rising and falling tunes for requests and offers. LabPhon 16, Lisboa, 19-22 June.

Brown, L., Abbou, J., Reid-Collins, O., Mahrt, T. and German, J. S. (2018). Quantifying qualitative listener assessments of gender ambiguous speakers: Coding lexical data to measure social distance. 10th Conference of the International Gender and Language Association - IGALA 10, Gabarone, Botswana, 20-22 June.

Abbou, J., Reid-Collins, O., Brown, L., Mahrt, T., Candea, M., Arnold, A. and German, J. S. (2018). Gender and the voice: Comparing metadiscourse in vlogs, interviews and scientific discourse. Sociolinguistics Symposium, Auckland, 27-30 June.

Kim, S. K., Jeong, S., and German, J. S. (2018). The social component of phonetic recalibration in speech perception. Presented at the LSA 2018 Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, 4-7 January.

Kim, S. K., Jeong, S., and German, J. S. (2017). Facial expressions and phonetic recalibration in speech perception. Presented at AMLAP 2017, Lancaster, UK, 7-9 September. [abstract]

German, J. S. (2017). Implicit social cues influence the interpretation of intonation. Presented at Phonetics and Phonology in Europe PaPE 2017, Cologne, 12-14 June. [abstract]

D'Imperio, M. and German, J. S. (2016). Like a square peg in a round hole: Why contour shape matters for learning new intonation patterns. Presented at LabPhon 2016. [abstract] [poster]

D’Imperio, M. and German, J. S. (2015). Dialect imitation across typologically distinct prosodic systems. Experimental and Theoretical Advances in Prosody 3, Urbana, 28-30 May. [abstract] [poster]

German, J. S. and Prévot, L. (2014). Phonology constrains the distribution of the particle lah in Singapore English. Poster presented at LabPhon 14, Tokyo, 25-27 July. [abstract] [poster]

Amin, T. B., German, J.S., and Marziliano, P. (2013). Detecting voice disguise from speech variability: Analysis of three glottal and vocal tract measures. Presented at the 166th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, San Francisco, 1-6 December, 2013. [abstract - see POMA article above for full version]

Hamzah, D. and German, J. S. (2013). A study of focus and accent in Singapore Malay. Presented at the International Symposium on Malay/Indonesian Linguistics (ISMIL 2013), 8-9 June 2013, Padang, Indonesia. [abstract]

German, J. S. and Michelas, A. (2012). How many levels in French? Focus marking as evidence for prosodic hierarchy. Presented at Laboratory Approaches to Romance Phonology VI, Mexico City, 3-5 October. [abstract]

Michelas, A. and German, J. S. (2012). Prosodic boundary strength and focus marking in French. Presented at Tone and Intonation in Europe, 6-8 September 2012, Oxford, UK. [abstract]

German, J. (2009). Relating prosody to pronominal reference.  Poster presented at the Workshop on Prosody and Meaning, Barcelona, Sep. 17-18. [poster]

German, J. and D'Imperio, M. (2009). Information structure and the alignment of phrasal features in French interrogatives. Poster presented at Interface Discours et Prosodie, Paris, Sep. 9-11.

German, J. & Pierrehumbert, J. (2008). Conditions for accenting pronouns: Contrastivity versus attentional shift. Presented at the 82nd Annual Meeting of the Linguistics Society of America, Chicago, Jan. 3-6.

Sagi, E., German, J., Kaufmann, S., Clark, B. & Kim, M.-J.  (2007). The effect of the speaker’s motivation on the interpretation of logical connectives. Poster presented at the 29th meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, Nashville, Aug. 1-4. [poster]

German, J., Carlson, K. & Pierrehumbert, J. (2006).  What can we learn about the brain from talking like a Scotsman? Poster presented at the First Annual Complexity Conference hosted by the Northwestern Institute on Complex Systems, Evanston, Apr. 20-21. [poster]

German, J. (2006). The cost of prosodic markedness as a rationale for the interpretation and placement of nuclear accents. Presented at Games and Decisions in Pragmatics II, Berlin, Jan. 6-7. [abstract]

German, J., Sagi, E., Clark, B., Kim, M-J. & Kaufmann, S. (2006). The role of hearer's beliefs in the interpretation of logical connectives. Presented at Games and Decisions in Pragmatics II, Berlin, 6-7 January. [abstract]

German, J., Carlson, K. & Pierrehumbert, J. (2005). Allophonic reassignment in dialect adaptation. Poster presented at the 150th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Minneapolis, Oct. 17-21. [poster]

German, J. (2004). Mapping focus to phonology: Stranded prepositions and accent placement. Presented at the 78th Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, Boston, Jan. 8-11.

Ph.D. Thesis

My thesis addresses the relationship between intonation and pronoun reference in English. It shows experimentally that the reference of accented pronouns is derived directly from focus presuppositions, and not by switching from a default reference as has often been claimed.

German, J. (2009). Prosodic Strategies for Negotiating Reference in Discourse. Doctoral thesis, Department of Linguistics, Northwestern University. [pdf]