Journal publications and manuscripts
19. Additive regression for Riemannian functional response (with J.M. Jeon). Submitted (2024).
18. The influence function of scatter halfspace depth (with G. Louvet). Publication forthcoming (2023).
17. Additive regression with general imperfect variables (with J.M. Jeon). Submitted (2023).
16. The influence function of Graphical Lasso estimators (with G. Louvet, J. Raymaekers and I. Wilms), Econometrics and Statistics. (2023)
15. Integrated shape-sensitive functional metrics (with S. Helander, P. Laketa, P. Ilmonen, S. Nagy & L. Viitasaari), J. Mult. Anal., 189, 104880 (2022).
14. On optimal prediction of missing functional data with memory (with P. Ilmonen, N. Shafik, L. Viitasaari & T. Sottinen). Submitted (2022).
13. Functional independent component analysis: an extension of fourth order blind identification (with B. Li, H. Oja, R. Sabolova & F. Critchley). Submitted (2021).
12. Flexible integrated functional depths (with S. Nagy, S. Helander, L. Viitasaari & P. Ilmonen). Bernoulli, 27, 1 (2021).
11. Pareto Depth for functional data (with S. Helander, S. Rantala & P. Ilmonen). Statistics, 54, 182-204 (2020).
10. Autoregression depth (with D. Paindaveine). Annales de l'ISUP, 63, Fascicule 2-3 (2019).
9. Tyler Shape Depth (with D. Paindaveine). Biometrika, 106, 4, 913-927 (2019).
8. Halfspace depths for scatter, concentration and shape matrices (with D. Paindaveine). Ann. Statist., 46 (6B), 3276-3307 (2018). With peer-reviewed supplement.
7. On the maximal halfspace depth of permutation-invariant distributions on the simplex (with D. Paindaveine). Statist. Probab. Lett., 129, 335-339 (2017)
6. The information Geometry of Sparse Goodness-Of-Fit testing (with P. Marriott, R. Sabolova & F. Critchley), Entropy, 18 (12), 421 (2016)
5. Bivariate simplicial tests for randomness. Statist. Probab. Lett., 12, 20-25 (2016).
4. Discussion of `Multivariate Functional Outlier Detection', by Mia Hubert, Peter Rousseeuw & Pieter Segaert (with D. Paindaveine), Stat. Methods Appl., 24, 223-231 (2015).
3. Nonparametrically consistent depth-based classifiers (with D. Paindaveine). Bernoulli, 21, 62-82 (2015).
2. Inference on the shape of elliptical distributions based on the MCD (with D. Paindaveine). J. Mult. Anal., 129, 125-144 (2014).
1. From depth to local depth: a focus on centrality (with D. Paindaveine). J. Amer. Statist. Assoc., 105, 1105--1119 (2013). With peer-reviewed supplement.
Peer-reviewed chapters of books
5. Structure géométrique de modèles statistiques, in Proceedings of the Ninth Brussels Summer School of Mathematics (2017).
4. Geometry of goodness-of-fit testing in high dimensional low sample size modelling (with P. Marriott, R. Sabolova & F. Critchley), In Geometric Science of Information, F. Barbaresco and F. Nielsen (Eds.), Springer, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 9389, 569--576(2015).
3. On ANOVA-like matrix decompositions (with G. Bove, F. Critchley & R. Sabolova), In Festschrift in Honor of Hannu Oja, K. Nordhausen and S. Taskinen (Eds.). Springer (2015).
2. De la reconnaissance faciale via l'analyse en composantes principales, Proceedings of the Fourth Brussels Summer School of Mathematics (2014).
1. Profondeur de demi-espace, Proceedings of the Brussels Summer of Probability and Optimization (2009 edition).
a. Contributions to nonparametric and semiparametric inference based on statistical depth, Ph.D. thesis, Université libre de Bruxelles (2013).
b. Fonctions de profondeur et fonctions quantiles, Master’s thesis, Université libre de Bruxelles (2009).
Editorial tasks
i. Notes de la sixième BSSM (with C. Bartholmé, T. Connor, J. Distexhe, Y. Dominicy, L. Kindzinski, J. Meyer and P. Weber editors). Lecture notes, 90 pages (2014).
ii. Notes de la quatrième BSSM (with N. Richard, Y. Swan, C. Bartholmé, Y. Dominicy and C. Ley editors). Lecture notes, 171 pages, ISSN 2034-466X (2012).