
0.90 ßeta

+ I'm create my program first version. :D

+ ISO imagefile creating(with boot)

+ project save/open

+ english language support :)

+ CD/DVD or USB content write to as ISO imagefile

+ CD/DVD or ISO imagefile writing as boot

+ If temp content more as CD drive-size, then appear warning message for a ISO image DVD mode.

+ HDD booting from USB

- Only at one time indicate temp content size....

* SYSLINUX 4.04 support

1.00 ßeta

+ The proccessbar working for all ISO image creting proccess

- HDD booting from USB[Restricted to windows systems :( ]

1.00 ßeta [0001 build]

+ Multi_BOOT make(try detecting iso image name,from iso imagefile information) and appear in multi-boot menu.

+ More bootloader support[syslinux_old- syslinux 4.07 | or syslinux_new - syslinux 6.03]

1.00 ßeta [0002 build]

+ When create multi-boot then to software try detecting ISO image information,if detecting is failure then in multi-boot menu appear as "isoname.iso"[bugfix!].

+ syslinux(auto) - find in ISO imagefile to bootloader and instaling suitable bootloader in the boot usb drive.

+ FREEDOS boot USB drive create for FREEDOS applications.

+ FREEDOS detecting when make booting usb drive...



  • + New function or bugfix

  • - Deleted or bug