Georg Graetz

Welcome to my website! 

I am an associate professor in the Department of Economics at Uppsala University. My research focuses on technological change, wage inequality, and the economics of education. 

Email: georg.graetz[at]

CV | Google Scholar | Media & policy 

Working papers

Firm-Level Technology Adoption in Times of Crisis, with Melanie Arntz, Michael Böhm, Terry Gregory, Florian Lehmer, and Cäcilia Lipowski. September 2024, submitted.

Imperfect Signals, June 2024, submitted. 


Parental Education and the Responses to Higher SAT Scores, with Björn Öckert and Oskar Nordström Skans. Forthcoming, Journal of Human Resources.

Individual Consequences of Occupational Decline, with Per-Anders Edin, Tiernan Evans, Sofia Hernnäs, and Guy Michaels. Economic Journal, August 2023.

Gender Gap Variation across Assessment Types: Explanations and Implications, with Arizo Karimi. Economics of Education Review, December 2022.

On the Interpretation of Diploma Wage Effects Estimated by Regression Discontinuity Designs, Canadian Journal of Economics, February 2021.

Training Requirements, Automation, and Job Polarization, with Andy Feng. Economic Journal, October 2020.

Robots at Work, with Guy Michaels. Review of Economics and Statistics, December 2018 (lead article). 

A Question of Degree: The Effects of Degree Class on Labor Market Outcomes, with Andy Feng. Economics of Education Review, December 2017.

Is Modern Technology Responsible for Jobless Recoveries?, with Guy Michaels. American Economic Review: Papers & Proceedings, May 2017. 

Media & policy 

Policy reports


Popular summaries 


Media coverage


Policy citations