
I am a Senior Research Economist at the ARC Centre of Excellence in Population Ageing Research (CEPAR), located in the UNSW Business School, UNSW Sydney. I am also affiliated with the Centre for Applied Macroeconomic Analysis (CAMA), the Global Labor Organization (GLO) and UNSW Ageing Futures Institute. My research expertise lies in the areas of macroeconomics and public economics, more specifically including  fiscal policy, pension economics and the economics of population aging and computable general equilibrium, and heterogenous-agent lifecycle models. I develop macroeconomic models incorporating lifecycle behaviors of heterogeneous households, estimated using microeconomic data, to analyze public and private pensions, income taxation, housing, and the broader economic effects of population aging and policy reforms (in developed countries like Australia and the US, or in emerging Asian economies with large informal sector such as Indonesia). I lead an ARC linkage grant focused on policy modeling for aging in emerging economies, in collaboration with the World Bank and Indonesia's Bappenas. I regularly provide advice on model development and a range of public policies, primarily related to tax and pensions, to government departments, private sector entities, and international organizations.

Selected recent publications

[Google Scholar] [CEPAR] [ResearchGate]

[CEPAR Working Papers]

Contact Information

ARC Centre of Excellence in Population Ageing Research (CEPAR)

UNSW Business School | UNSW Sydney

NICTA Building | East Wing | Level 3 

223 Anzac Parade | Kensington NSW 2033 

E-mail: g.kudrna@unsw.edu.au