What are your plans for the year 2016?

(3 January 2016)

Well, the year 2016 will surely be a busy one for me. I have different projects on my mind. Firstly, in the beginning of January 2016 I will publish the book ‘My little book of daily prayer’. I have been writing this book for the past nine months or so and I hope it will be helpful for the prayer life of the reader.

Secondly, I will be publish the 2nd editions of the books ‘Peace and unity in our lives’ volumes one and two. In these 2nd editions I will update the book cover, insert links to my published books….and will announce a special price!!!

Thirdly, I am planning to publish another book around April 2016. The book is ‘Taste and see that the Lord is good’. This is a very spiritual book and only around a couple of paragraphs are still to be written.

Fourthly, I have started writing another book called ‘The light’… which I hope to publish around September 2016.

So, at the moment these are my plans for the year 2016… but I am always open to the Lords direction and guidance, as I always do according to His plans for me.