
MyDTW: Dynamic Time Warping program for stratigraphical time series (Free Pascal - Lazarus)

Signal matching is a necessary part of many geological disciplines such as paleoclimatology, sedimentology and marine geology. Tuning a paleoclimatic signal to a target curve, driven by variations in the astronomical (“Milankovitch”) parameters, is a powerful technique to construct accurate time scales.

We introduce an algorithm based on ‘Dynamic Time Warping’. Dynamic time warping aligns two sequences of patterns given constraints on absolute ages (radio-isotopic or stratigraphic), sedimentation rates and measures of fit. The method can be used not only to facilitate astrochronological tuning, but also for more general sedimentologic cross-correlation problems. The algorithm is implemented as a computer program with a graphical user interface using Free Pascal and Lazarus IDE and available for Windows, Mac OS, and Linux (Ubuntu).

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Kotov, S., Paelike, H. MyDTW – Dynamic Time Warping program for stratigraphical time series, in: EGU 2017. Vienna, 2017

Kotov, S., Paelike, H. Dynamic Time Warping Program to Automatically Tune and Correlate Stratigraphical Series, in: 18th International Association for Mathematical Geosciences Conference 2017. IAMG, Perth, p. 206, 2017

Download MyDTW (Windows, Mac OS, Linux)

QSSA: Singular Spectrum Analysis for Time Series (Qt C++)

Singular Spectrum Analysis is a nonparametric spectral estimation method. It combines elements of classical time series analysis, multivariate statistics, multivariate geometry, dynamical systems and signal processing.

Download QSSA (Windows, Mac OS)

Milankovitch Theory for Dummies (html+JS+WebGL)

Can be used in teaching of principles of Milankovitch Theory. Simply unpack the archive and run the "earth.html" in your favourite browser.

Download Earth (html)


Principal tensor analysis (PTA) is considered as a potentially useful tool in geosciences, particularly for reconstructions of multi-way (time (depth), space, and proxies) datasets. We introduce an extension of PTA: PTA enhanced with Singular Spectrum Analysis (SSA). Using this enhancement, we were able to isolate clear patterns in noisy multi-way data. As an illustrative example, the method has been applied to 4-way data tensor (time, space, proxies, and delay-time) constructed from marine sediment proxies. Possible restrictions and main reasons for the method's limitations are discussed. The algorithm has been implemented as an R function which is provided in the supplementary data and appendix.

S. Kotov, H. Pälike, Enhanced Principal Tensor Analysis as a tool for 3-way geological data reconstructions. Computers & Geoscienses, 2018.

Download PTA_SSA

QAnalySeries (Qt C++)

We introduce a computer program for time series tuning and analysis. The well known in paleo-climatic community program AnalySeries after Paillard et al. is restricted to the Mac OS (32-bit) and, according to Apple plans to move entirely onto the 64-bit system, it will not be supported in the future upgrades of Macintosh OS. QAnalySeries is an attempt to re-implement the major functionality of AnalySeries thus providing the community with a useful tool. QAnalySeries is written using Qt SDK as a free software and can be run on Macintosh, Windows and Linux systems.

Kotov S., Pälike H. , QAnalySeries – a cross-platform time series tuning and analysis tool, AGU, Washington, 2018.

Download QAS (v. 1.5.1 is available: A little bug fixed and titles added in “Save data with ages” dialog, columns are rearranged;

A little bug in “Integrated insolation” is fixed).

DBViewer (Qt C++)

A gate to the DeepMIP database (slice of ODP - IODP deep sediment proxies, see DeepMIP for details) with options of data pre-processing.

Download DBViewer (Mac, Windows, Ubuntu)