It is wonderful to see the evolution of food culture in the United States

Post date: Oct 25, 2012 2:38:01 PM

By David B. Chelmsford, MA 8/18/2012

It is wonderful to see the evolution of food culture in the United States. Those that have come to live here from other corners of the world bring their cuisine with them, providing an important link to the their place of origin and culture. Those of us that crave something different, and enjoy exploring the live's of others through their food, revel in what our new citizens bring to us. Gene's is one of those places.

His small, hole-in-the-wall cafe brings the world of hand pulled noodles and the food of his home, Xian, China, to Chelmsford. The noodles are chewy, rustic, and filling, taking on the flavor of the broth they are placed. The broth has some heat that creeps up on you through the meal. The counter staff will ask if you'd like to adjust the heat, good for those that can't take hot chiles.

The menu is small and focused and the prices are low. Servings are big enough to bring some home or back to work for the next day's lunch. The pork on the Xian flat bread is succulent and delicious.

Forget Chinese food adapted to American plates...go to Gene's for the "real" thing.