Awards, Honors & Scholarships

Visiting Scholarships -  The Einaudi Institute for Economics and Finance (2024)

Haralambos Simeonidis Award, best article in economics written by economists affiliated to Brazilian institutions 

FEBRABAN (the Brazilian Federation of Banks) award, for the best BA Economics Monograph in Brazil (2017) (Bachelor’s thesis Supervisor);

First ANBIMA Fixed Income Prize with the paper “Pricing Interest Rate Derivatives Under Monetary Policy Changes”, at the XIII Brazilian Meeting of Finance, 2013, Rio de Janeiro;

An honorable mention for the best article – “Pricing Volatility Derivatives” - published in the Brazilian Review of Finance, 2006;

CORECON award, for the best BA Economics Monograph in the State of Sao Paulo (2002);

FUNDACE / USP award, for the best BA Economics Monograph from the Economics

Department of the University of Sao Paulo (2002);

CNPq (National Research Council), Brazil: 1998-1999 (B.A.), 2002-2004 (MSc);

FAPESP (The Sao Paulo State Research Foundation), Brazil: 2000-2001 (B.A.).