
Some supplemental reading material. More about the past, than the present.

Reference Material

    • Radiation detector performance study (Japanese)

      • Excellent accuracy comparison between several kinds of detectors

      • GM tubes: 1, 3, 4, 5. PIN diode: 2. Scintillator: * (3, 4, 5 = SBM-20 tubes)

Historical Photos

- Japan -

    • Hashima Island (端島, "軍艦島") photos

      • Coal mining island near Nagasaki, owned by Mitsubishi

      • Once had the highest population density in the world

      • Not nuclear-related, but I'm sure you can spot a few parallels

    • Memories for the Future panoramic photos (Japanese site - more comprehensive)

      • Comparison of before/after Google streetviews of Japan showing the extent of the destruction of the quake / tsunami

      • Very stunning how some regions are just... gone.

Natori, Miyagi Prefecture (before)

Natori, Miyagi Prefecture (after)

- US -

    • Minuteman Missile National Historic Site panoramic photos

      • This is a relatively modern site, and others similar to it are still in use today.

      • Well-preserved; tours offered by the National Parks Service.

      • Very amusing cold war wall art here, on the blast door and corridor.

    • Titan Missile Museum panoramic photos

      • The Titan's fuel could not be stored in the rocket, requiring a large support facility.

      • These were among the largest underground bases ever built.

      • The last well-preserved Titan site. Operated by the airmen once stationed there.

    • Titan I Tour photos / historical documents

      • Even larger than the above Titan II complex, there is not a single preserved site left

      • They look somewhat less appealing rusted and covered in asbestos

      • Excellent contrast with the preserved museum above

    • Hanford B Reactor panoramic photos

      • The first reactor dedicated to plutonium production.

      • An interesting juxtaposition of massive scale and primitive technology.

    • NS Savannah panoramic photos

      • First civilian nuclear powered ship, a demonstration for a new era that never came.

      • Ultimately it failed due to the cost of nuclear propulsion vs. diesel for its size.

- Russia / USSR -

    • Pripyat / Chernobyl photos

      • Pretty good set that hits most of the major landmarks

      • Note: Geiger counter is measuring 1.4 mR/h on the moss, not R/h as incorrectly captioned.

    • Kursk NPP photos [Ads at bottom NSFW]

      • Russian RBMK-1000 reactor, same model used at Chernobyl

      • All shiny and clean and still operating

      • Ironically, the last photo shows them training for the Fukushima scenario

    • Soviet Missile Silo (R-12U/R-14U) photos

      • Rough translations (by me, and I'm terrible at it)

        • Image 16: Do not light fire! Dangerous to life!

        • Image 21: Power Rack, On/Off

        • Image 30: Check performance of protective gear

        • Image 32: Before moving service platforms and silo hatch, contact the launch officer (not too sure about this one)

        • Image 33: When leaving the silo, close the elevators and doors

        • Image 34: Releases poison!

        • Image 39: Newspaper is Izvestia, not Pravda as incorrectly captioned

          • Headlines: "Every work hour- harvest!", "Clear rhythm", "Shock watch farmers" (whatever that is)

        • Image 40: Driver-taxied, to the firing line