Events 2020

GEG's are independently run communities of educators who inspire and empower each other to meet the needs of students through technology both in the classroom and beyond. Via face to face meet ups and online activities, GEGs provide a way for educators who are passionate about education and technology to meet like minded people and share, learn, and collaborate together. 

Events can be organised by anyone who is a member of the GEG NZ Community and can be run anywhere at anytime. More information about hosting events can be found here.

Upcoming Events

BOP Spark Shop

Check out the details here this event will be held on September 10 

Educator Summit

We're in the planning stages of an educator summit in New Zealand.  We'll be sharing information about when, where, who etc. in the coming months.  If you have any great ideas for this summit please get in touch with one of the GEG leaders or captains.

NZ Learner Summit

Coming soon - 

Upcoming Events are also on our GEG NZ public Calendar: 

Completed Events

Google Educator Level 1 Bootcamps

April 2020

Northland event - Registration form, Facebook post with details and contacts

What If... Series

A series of live and pre-recorded videos for educators to give them ideas and inspiration about taking learning outside of a traditional classroom space - online, at home, out and about.

More details coming soon check out this page of our site for current schedules, resources and pre-recorded segments.