Sparkshop Whangarei 2017

20 July 2017

Manaia View School

What is a Sparkshop?


The GEGNZ Sparkshop is a free event. A Sparkshop is designed to "spark" inspiration in the practice of others. The event format is similar to an unconference with a twist.

If you’re keen to pitch a Sparkshop we invite you to add your idea on the slide deck. On the day you will have one minute to pitch your idea to attendees, who will then signal their interest via a Google Form. Sparkshops with the most audience interest will form the programme for the Sparkshop sessions for the remainder of the day. We are hoping to schedule three time slots with three to four Sparkshops to chose from.



SparkshopWHG 2017

See who is coming along to build a connection and spark interest in their possible topics
