
Sebastian Gechert

I am a Professor of Macroeconomics at Chemnitz University of Technology and Fellow of the Forum for Macroeconomics and Macroeconomic Policies (FMM), a pluralist network for macroeconomic research. I also serve as Associate Editor for the Journal of Economic Surveys.

From 2012 to 2021, I was Head of the Unit Macroeconomics of Income Distribution at Macroeconomic Policy Institute (IMK), Düsseldorf, Germany, Spokesperson of the FMM and Privatdozent (an external reader) at the Otto-Friedrich-University of Bamberg in Germany

In 2020, my Habilitation thesis was approved by Otto-Friedrich-University of Bamberg.

In 2014, I received my doctoral degree (Dr. rer. pol.) from Chemnitz University of Technology

My research focuses on the interrelation between fiscal policy, business cycles, inequality, the environment and consumer behavior.

Follow me on Twitter: @SGechert