The 36th
Science Research Congress

Programme for 27th April 2024

Welcome address

Professor Sow Chorng Haur

Vice Dean (Outreach and Admissions), NUS Faculty of Science

Professor, NUS Department of Physics

Professor Ang Wee Han

Vice Dean (Special Duties), Associate Provost (NUS Multidisciplinary & Interdisciplinary Masters’ Programmes)

Professor, NUS Department of Chemistry

Dr. Sasani Jayawardhana

Lecturer, Department of Materials Science and Engineering

NUS College of Design and Engineering

Dr. Kevin Kuang

Senior Lecturer, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

NUS College of Design and Engineering

VIP Presentations

Aseera Jannath and Yin Yue, Raffles Institution

Tiffany Putri, Nanyang Junior College

Oon Jun-En Matthew and Lee Chen Xing Tristan, St. Joseph’s Institution

Ong Crystal, Damien Cheng Yi Kiun and Oh Ren Kai, Jayden, Raffles Institution

Closing Remarks

Ms Winnie Tan

Director, Gifted Education Branch, Curriculum Planning and Development Division 1

Ministry of Education

Programme for 3rd May 2024

Message from Dean of Science, National University of Singapore 

Since its launch in 1988, the Science Research Programme (SRP) has been a continuing collaborative effort between NUS and the Gifted Education Branch at MOE. The programme has provided valuable opportunities for many Junior College (JC) and Integrated Programme (IP) students to enrich themselves with scientific skills and knowledge, as well as to hone and showcase their presentation skills. The experience gained has equipped many to move on to careers in research and development in Singapore and around the world.

Over the past nine months, under the untiring commitment and guidance of the SRP mentors, the participants have forged a memorable working partnership with our scientists and researchers. Despite the heavy schedule of the participants and their mentors, the teams have persevered to complete their research projects. In this light, their efforts are truly commendable!

The proceedings of the 36th Science Research Congress showcase the excellent work done by the 102 JC2 and Year 6 IP students from Anglo-Chinese Junior College, Anglo-Chinese School (Independent), Anderson Serangoon Junior College, Dunman High School, Eunoia Junior College, Hwa Chong Institution, National Junior College, Nanyang Junior College, Raffles Institution, River Valley High School, St Joseph’s Institution, and Temasek Junior College.

I extend my sincere appreciation to all the mentors and their assistants for their purposeful contributions to nurturing these budding scientists. I would also like to thank the Ministry of Education for co-administering the SRP.

To all SRP participants, I hope that your experience in SRP has enhanced your passion for science and that you will continue to pursue this passion and consider a career in science. I wish you all the best in your future endeavours!

Professor Sun Yeneng

Xu Foundation Dean and Professor

Dean, Faculty of Science

National University of Singapore

Message from Director, Gifted Education Branch, Curriculum Planning and Development Division, MOE

"According to Darwin's Origin of Species, it is not the most intellectual of the species that survives; it is not the strongest that survives; but the species that survives is the one that is able best to adapt and adjust to the changing environment in which it finds itself."

Leon Megginson (1921 – 2010)
Professor of Business Studies, University of Mobile

Referring to a statement made by Charles Darwin in his book, the Origin of Species, Megginson extended Darwin’s perspective to other aspects of human endeavour. A staunch advocate of change, he believed that the willingness to embrace change and the ability to respond to change is crucial for survival, not just in biological evolution but in many other contexts. Conversely, change presents opportunities for growth, catalysing great innovation by challenging existing paradigms, fostering adaptation to new circumstances. In this age of artificial intelligence, being responsive is crucial for scientists to adapt methodologies, leverage emerging technologies and navigate ethical considerations, ensuring effective integration of AI in research and innovation. This spirit of innovation is reflected in the range of projects undertaken in the Science Research Programme (SRP).

Since its inception in 1988, the SRP has provided a platform for students to take a deep dive into scientific research, fostering a spirit of curiosity, critical thinking, and innovation. The Mentorship Attachment has given them opportunities to acquire and to apply knowledge and skills essential for scientific inquiry, to leverage technology and more recently, to observe how AI is tapped to enhance research and innovation in science and engineering. Under the guidance of their mentors, SRPians completed a diverse range of projects situated in real-world contexts and problems. It is notable that

The achievements of SRPians, highlighted and celebrated at the Science Research Congress, are also a tribute to their mentors who had availed themselves, their laboratories and network.

I would like to express my deepest gratitude to the mentors from NUS and other research institutions who have generously shared their expertise and resources, to nurture the next generation of scientists. Your unwavering support and guidance have been instrumental in shaping the success of the SRP 2023/24. Additionally, I extend my heartfelt appreciation to the teacher liaisons and advisors from the participating colleges and schools. Together with the mentors, your collective efforts have formed a resilient ecosystem for nurturing our budding STEM talent.

Finally, congratulations to the 2023/24 cohort of SRPians on completing this journey of discovery in the SRP. The projects many of you undertook demonstrate how technology has transformed research and resulted in innovative solutions. I encourage you to pursue scientific inquiry at higher academic levels and to consider a career in STEM, confident that your SRP experiences built a solid foundation for your future contributions to the scientific community and society

Ms Winnie Tan
Gifted Education Branch
Curriculum Planning & Development Division
Ministry of Education

Sponsored By

Lee Foundation

Shaw Foundation

Organised By

College of Humanities and Sciences
(Faculty of Science)

National University of Singapore

Gifted Education Branch

Ministry of Education, Singapore

In Partnership With

College of Design and Engineering

National University of Singapore