About Me

I am currently a PhD research scholar at IIIT Allahabad. Details as follows:


Reviewer Service: (Publons)

  • Computers in Biology and Medicine (1)

  • Biomedical signal processing and control (4)

  • Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine Update (1)

  • IET Signal Processing (1)

  • IETE Journal of Research (2)

  • Electric Power Components and Systems (3)

  • Computer and Information Science (3)

Conference Chairs:

  • to be added


  • Moderator of the talk by Dr Manish Saggar, Assistant Professor, Stanford University, USA.

Topic: From Robotics to the Brain and Back: A Research Journey in the event "The IIITA Alumni webinar Series #3 was held on 7th February 2021".

Testimonial: Event link, Event Video

  • Moderator of the talk by Dr Himanshu Verma, Assistant Professor of Human-AI Collaboration at the Knowledge and Intelligence Design Group of Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering at TU Delft (Netherlands).

Topic: “Computing, Humans, and Spaces: From Lab Studies to Research In-the-Wild" in the event "The IIITA Alumni webinar Series #6 held on 04th Sept.'2021"

Testimonial: Event link, YouTube link

  • Moderator of the talk by Dr. Aashish Pappu, Senior Research Scientist and Research Lead, Spotify, New York, NY, USA (MS & PhD, CMU, USA).

Topic: "Query Understanding and Intent Prediction for Music and Podcasts" in the event "The IIITA Alumni webinar Series #8 held on 20th Sept.'2021"

Testimonial: Event link, YouTube link