Arch 105 - Perspective Graphics

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The videos for this class consist of different lecture topics and demonstrations of the class projects. Students will use the current version of the SketchUp Design Program. The videos were created using SketchUp 2014. All videos are closed captioned. Captions can be turned on or off using the "cc" button located on the lower right of the video player.

Click here for a PDF version of the Arch 105 Lab Manual.

Lecture Videos:

Lecture #1

Vanishing Points

This video presentation explains the basics of one, two, and three point perspective. Uses real-world and SketchUp examples.

Time: 6:44

Lecture #2

Types of Projection

A presentation of three different types of projection. Provides an explanation of each with graphical examples.

Time: 4:40

Lecture #3

Formal Two-Point Perspective

Lecture explaining the different components of a formal two-point perspective. Also includes a procedure to setup and complete a traditional perspective drawing.

Time: 14:41

Lecture #4

Traditional Drawing Demonstration

Demonstration using AutoCAD of the process to complete a formal two-point perspective drawing. Uses Project #1 for the demonstration.

Time: 40:00

Lecture #5

Project #1 - LayOut Demo

A demonstration of the LayOut software. This software will be used to create a portfolio page for each project and will replace the AutoCAD method discussed earlier.

Time: 34:13

Note: The Lab Manual and Video Demonstration videos contain projects that were originally found in the book: Perspective Drawing: a Student Text Workbook, Published by: Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company, 1978, Author: Osamu A. Wakita.