

留德华人化学化工学会(VR 17428, 科隆)是一个由在德国工作学习的华人学者、学生组织成立的非营利性学术组织。 学会的宗旨是促进成员之间的学术交流及中德两国之间学术界和工业界的相互合作与交流。留德华人化学化工学会属于中国化学会海外分会(省级), 是中国留德学者学生团体联合会的创始会员,同时是全欧华人专业协会联合会的会员。在过去的25年中,学会发展建立了各地的分会组织。 目前活跃的分会包括东德、南德、西德、北德及柏林-勃兰登堡分会。 留德华人化学化工学会的新老会员们现在活跃在中德两国的学术界和工业界,包括很多知名学者、教授和公司高管。留德华人化学化工学会网页: http://www.gcccd-ev.de/


  • 留德华人化学化工学会学术年会以及区域性学术会议

  • 留德华人化学化工学会青年化学奖评选,并上报中国化学会

  • 协助会员申请国家优秀自费留学生奖学金

  • 发布人才招聘信息,组织并参加各类人才招聘活动

  • 组织申报春晖计划,访问国内高校及科研单位

  • 协助会员申请百人计划及千人计划

  • 化学和文化论坛

  • 与其他学生学者联合会和专业学会交流

  • 其他活动。如德国公司或院校访问、郊游、体育活动等



联系方式email: gcccdbb14@gmail.com










GCCCD (VR 17428, Cologne), a non-profit Chinese academic organization of chemistry, chemical engineering and related fields, composes of members who have experience of studying and working in Germany. The essential goal of GCCCD is to promote the academic exchange among its members, as well as to promote cooperation between Chinese and German academic and industrial institutions in chemistry and related fields. GCCCD organizes regularly academic meetings and helps its members to participate in various events, including:

    • Organize GCCCD Annual Conference in fields of chemistry and chemical engineering, as well as regional academic conferences

    • Elect GCCCD Young Chemists Awards and declare to Chinese Chemical Society

    • Organize and assist members to apply for National Excellent Students Scholarship in Germany

    • Post Recruitment information, organize and participate in such activities

    • Organize Chunhui Plan, visit domestic institutions in China

    • Assist members to apply '100-Plan' and '1000-Plan' projects

    • Organizing various chemical and cultural Forum

    • Communicate with other chinese societies at universities and professional associations

    • Organizing various extracurricular activities, such as visiting companies or institutions , picnic and various sporting activities

GCCCD is meanwhile part of "Chinese Chemical Society", "Vereinigung Chinesischer Akademischer und Studentischer Gesellschaften in Deutschland e.V.", "Federation of Chinese Professional Associations in Europe". In the past 25 years, plenty of subsidiaries have been founded. Jena, Ulm, Stuttgart, Nordrhein-Westfalen and Berlin-Brandenburg are currently the most active ones among them. Alumni and membersof GCCCD are presently playing very important roles in numbers of branches (both in academia and industry, in China and Germany), including many famous scholars, professors and executives. ( by Dr. Lisong Xiao )