Mandvi Maqbara, Champaner, Gujarat - 28th Nov 2018

Also 'Malik Sandal Ni Vav' (Not sure)

Google Maps : Location

Mandvi Maqbara : Wiki NA

Champaner-Pavagadh Archaeological Park : Wiki

This structure is totally neglected.

There's no road leading to the maqbara, not even a path.

I had to cross some fields to reach the site.

The local farmers were very helpful.


There's a 'Malik Sandal Ni Vav' near the maqbara.

No info on it's actual location.

The local farmers had not even heard of it.

When I insisted it exists, they said there is something like a vav nearby.

Ten minutes walk from the maqbara, thru fields. Two of the younger farmers actually showed me the way.

I scraped my shins on a low fence.

This is what I found, could be the vav. Or not ;-)

EDIT 24th Nov 2019 : This is not Malik Sandal Ni Vav.

Malik Sandal Ni Vav : LINK

More 'off the beaten track' sites near Champaner/Halol here : LINK

Index : LINK