Frequently asked questions

* Under what license is this program released:

This program is Freeware. Check the included License.txt file for details.

* How do I install the program:

Just unpack the archive to folder of your choice. Folder must be writable to be able to save settings and log files.

* Service is not installed, how do I install it:

There are two ways to install service:

- By going into View-Options menu and select startup as Service and mode as Manual or Automatic. By cliking OK button service will be automatically installed. Service will be also started if task list is not empty.

- By using command line switch /INSTALL or using included script service_install.bat (since version 1.0.12)

* Service is not started at system startup:

Switch service mode to Automatic and start service.

* Do I need to be logged into Windows for service to run:


* Are my database, email, SMTP and FTP passwords stored securely:

Yes, all passwords are encrypted and additionally Base64 encoded.

* Task is not executed at scheduled time, what is wrong:

Check if service is installed and running.

* Compatibility of Gbak scheduler versions. Can I switch back to older version:

Yes, all versions are forward and backward compatible.

* Can I use program if my database server is on non-standard port:

Yes, just add port number to source data like this: server[/port]:[drive:]\path\dbase.gdb

* Can Gbak scheduler send me email if anything goes wrong with backup:

Yes, Check per-task option for sending Task Error log file.

* Can't mirror my backup to FTP server (trace log error: Socket Error # 11004):

This is an DNS issue, try using IP address of your FTP server.

* Smart Set - what is this:

Smart set keep archive of you backups for all selected weekdays and additionally 4 weekly and 6 monthly archives.

Last backup of the week becomes weekly archive and last daily backup of the month becomes monthly archive.

* Plain Set - what is this:

Plain set keep archive of you backups for last X days. Archives are named .001, 002 ...

The oldest archive is allways rewritten.

* Backup files and files in zip archive have strange file extension (.DL1, .DL3, .WK1, .MT1 ...), why is that:

.DLx are daily archives, .WKx are weekly archives, .MTx are monthly archives.

When you need to restore backup you can rename this to anything you like.

* Does Gbak Scheduler works with nbackup tool:


* I would like that my monthly backup would be on the first day of month instead of last day of month:

(Available since version 1.0.9) Manually open Gbakschd.cfg file in Notepad and in [Options] section add this key FirstDayMonthlyBackup=1

To disable this just delete this key or set it to 0.

* How can I create more than one backup per day:

Create more tasks and set them at different times.

* Backup file remained unzipped (Zip option was checked):

Remember to restart service if you made changes to tasks to collect new data.

If there is not enough disk space to create zip, the file will be left unzipped. Check Error_[Task number].log file for details about problems at creating backup.

* I have problems with Gbak Scheduler (crash, not working as expected ...) what can I do:

Go to View-Options menu and enable creating of Trace file. Run the problematic part of the program to record trace data and analyze the output. If there are still problems send it to gbak scheduler support email.