Voelker Lab

Widespread Integration of Neoaves Evolution and Systematics (yes, WINES)

(We also work on lower vertebrates, as well as parasites)

Department of Ecology and Conservation Biology, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX

The primary long-term focus of work in my lab is on the systematics and biogeography of birds. More recently my students and I have developed an interest in looking at the ecto- and endoparasites of birds to include avian malaria and lice. We've also done some work on physiology, via the analysis of blood analytes of species distributed across varied habitats. And because of my interest in biogeography, my students and I have also expanded from birds into analyses of lesser vertebrates to include fishes, reptiles and amphibians and mammals .

As Curator of Birds at the Biodiversity Research and Teaching Collections (https://brtc.tamu.edu/), my students and I work to expand our collections as possible through biodiversity surveys/expeditions both within Texas and internationally. The collections also support graduate student research and undergraduate internships. If you're interested in supporting this work please visit the A&M Foundation: https://www.txamfoundation.com/give.aspx?c_id=2&d_id=441&sd_id=1534

Pictures clockwise from top left: 1) with Italian colleagues in Armenia at the Iranian border, 2) near Kimberley, South Africa, 3) Chutes du Kudu, Benin, 4) Boca di Caset ringing station, Italian pre-Alps.