Battle of Gate Pa

'Reporting Live from the Battle of Gate Pa' 

A play written by Jenny Jenkins about the Battle of Gate Pa; 

the events of the battle and the reasons behind them.

For secondary school Social Studies and History students. 

A shorter primary/intermediate school version of this play is also available.

The play follows this format: 4 characters, General Cameron, Rawiri Puhirake, Heni Te Kiri Karamu and Archdeacon Brown, are interviewed by 4 news reporters at 4 different points of time throughout the battle to make the 16 scenes. This play takes only one hour of class time to prepare and produce. The intention is for the children to stand in a designated area of the classroom (e.g. the back left corner of the classroom for the Army Camp where a reporter interviews General Cameron) and to read their part from the script, after practising in pairs. Each scene is about 2 minutes long, so little rehearsal time is needed. No costumes or props are required.

The play uses nine actors, but may also be acted by a whole class, by having students play one scene each, e.g. 4 different girls playing Heni's 4 scenes, and being interviewed by 4 different reporters. The play takes about 45 minutes to perform.


The 'Reporting Live from the Battle of Gate Pa' Pack 

Contains a class set of student scripts ready to use, signs for the 4 areas of the classroom/stage, a balloon to pop for the cannon blast and a bound teacher's script with these additional features: instructions on how to use the play, a set of questions for use in a follow-up lesson and on-line resources for additional background information. Each pack may be reused by multiple classes. (Except the balloon.)

This play fits well into the Social Sciences Curriculum: 'Continuity and Change – Students learn about past events, experiences, and actions,' especially for Year's 10 and 13. This play may be used annually as it helps pupils learn about the New Zealand Wars and the issues surrounding them in an interactive and memorable way.

How to Buy this Resource

'Reporting Live from the Battle of Gate Pa' packs may be ordered from:

State whether for Primary or Secondary School

as an e-copy $10 (download the file and print it yourself)

The picture above is by Bruce Potter, from Jenny's children's book 'Battle at the Gate' 

(Penguin 2008)

Check it out at:

Other New Zealand History Stories by Jenny Jenkins

 are available free at: