Papers etc


Thoms, Gary. submitted. Reassessing Oehrle effects: evidence from Scottish Gaelic. Submitted to Formal Approaches to Celtic Linguistics volume. A version here.

Seguin, Luisa and Gary Thoms. submitted. Reconciling ATB and parasitic gaps: a smuggling analysis of P-mismatches in Italian. Submitted to a festschrift. Email me for a draft.

Thoms, Gary, David Adger, Caroline Heycock, E Jamieson, and Jennifer Smith. submitted. Have-raising and the structure of predicative possession. Submitted to NLLT. Email me for a draft.

Thoms, Gary, David Adger, Caroline Heycock, E Jamieson, and Jennifer Smith. To appear. Explaining microvariation using the Tolerance Principle: plugging the amn't gap. Journal of Linguistics. A version here

Jamieson, E, David Adger, Caroline Heycock, Jennifer Smith, and Gary Thoms. to  appear. When intuitions (don't) fail: combining syntax and sociolinguistics in the analysis of Scots. English Language And Linguistics

Thoms, Gary, David Adger, Caroline Heycock, E Jamieson, and Jennifer Smith. 2023. English contracted negation revisited: evidence from varieties of Scots. Language 99(4), 726-759. Here (OA).

Jeretič, Paloma, and Gary Thoms. 2023. Modals, negation, and movement: a reassessment. Glossa. Here

Thoms, Gary. 2022. Inverse linking and extraposition. To appear, Linguistic Inquiry. Here.

Thoms, Gary, and Caroline Heycock. 2022. Deriving 'late merge' from External Remerge. In Proceedings of NELS 52. Here.

Robinson, Mary, and Gary Thoms. 2021. Long distance negative concord in English. In Proceedings of NELS 51.  Here.

Robinson, Mary, and Gary Thoms. 2020. On the syntax of English variable negative concord. In Proceedings of PLC 2020. here

Thoms, Gary, David Adger, Caroline Heycock and Jennifer Smith. 2019. Syntactic variation and auxiliary contraction: the surprising case of Scots. Language 95:3. Available here.

Thoms, Gary. 2019. Antireconstruction as layering. In Proceedings of NELS 49, Cornell University. A version here.

Thoms, Gary and George Walkden. 2019. vP-fronting with and without remnant movement. Journal of Linguistics. Preprint here; JL firstview here

Thoms, Gary. 2018. Quantifiers and the derivation of fragments. Snippets 33, 11-12. Here.

Thoms, Gary and Craig Sailor. 2018. When silence gets in the way: extraction from do-ellipsis in British dialects. In Proceedings of NELS 48, Iceland. Here.

Thoms, Gary., to appear. `Reducing Last Resort to Locality: English do-support.' Due to appear in 'Minimalist Approaches to Syntactic Locality', ed. Balasz Suranyi. A version here. (appearing as a Springer volume I was told... but watch this space for the new, improved version of this paper, with Craig Sailor. The short version is up there^.)

Thoms, Gary., 2016. Pseudogapping, parallelism and the syntax of focus. Syntax 19 (3): 286-307. It's here, and here

Elliott, Patrick and Gary Thoms. 2016. QR out of control. In Proceedings of WCCFL 33, eds *inhales* Kyeong-min Kim, Pocholo Umbal, Trevor Block, Queenie Chan, Tanie Cheng, Kelli Finney, Mara Katz, Sophie Nickel-Thompson, and Lisa Shorten. Cascadilla Press. A version here

Messick, Troy and Gary Thoms. 2016. Ellipsis, economy and the (non)uniformity of traces. Linguistic Inquiry 47(2). A version here

Thoms, Gary. 2016. Short answers in Scottish Gaelic and their theoretical implications. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 34(1): 351-391. A version here and online version here.

Barros, Matthew, Patrick Elliott and Gary Thoms. 2015. More variation in island repair: the clausal/non-clausal island distinction. In Proceedings of CLS 49. A version here.

Thoms, Gary. 2015. Syntactic identity, Parallelism and accommodated antecedents. Lingua 166: 260-293. A version here, and on the journal site here too. Farewell to Lingua and hello to Glossa!

Thoms, Gary. 2014a. Constraints on exceptional ellipsis are only parallelism effects. In Proceedings of NELS 43, CUNY Graduate Center. A version here.

Thoms, Gary. 2014b. MaxElide and clause structure in Scottish Gaelic. Linguistic Inquiry 45:1, 158-168. A version here.

Barros, Matthew, Patrick Elliott and Gary Thoms. 2014. There is no island repair. Ms Edinburgh/UCL/Rutgers. A version here (under revision).

Sailor, Craig and Gary Thoms. 2014. On the non-existence of non-constituent coordination and non-constituent ellipsis. In Proceedings of WCCFL 31, edited by Robert LaBarge. A version here.

Thoms, Gary., 2013. Lexical mismatches in ellipsis and the identity condition. In S. Keine and S. Sloggett (eds), Proceedings of NELS 42. Amherst, MA: GLSA Publications, p 559-572. A version here.

Thoms, Gary. 2012. Ellipsis licensing and verb movement in Scandinavian. Email me if you want to see a version of this (it's under revision).

Thoms, Gary., 2011a. P-stranding diagnoses A'-movement in tough constructions. Snippets 24: 20-21. Get it here.

Thoms, Gary., 2011b. On the realization of chains. Ms., University of Strathclyde (draft here, On the realization of chains, comments welcome!). 

Thoms, Gary., and Stefano. Versace, 2011. How does the mind do literary work? To appear in M. Callies et al (eds) Bidirectional Perspectives in the Cognitive Sciences, Amsterdam: John Benjamins 

Thoms, Gary., 2010. `Verb-floating' and VP-ellipsis: towards a movement account of ellipsis licensing. Linguistic Variation Yearbook 10, p.252-297. A version here.  


2010. Poetic language: a Minimalist theory. PhD thesis, University of Strathclyde.

2008. `The syntax of experimental literature: a literary linguistic investigation.' MRes dissertation, University of Strathclyde. [Available online from the Strathclyde Library catalogue] Abstract


Thoms, G., 2011. Review of Lobke Aelbrecht, 'The syntactic licensing of ellipsis.' Journal of Linguistics 47:1.