
Please read below for some kind words from Gary's clients, many of whom have been customers for 10-20 years, or longer. If you would like to send your own testimonial, please email Gary at garysreadings@gmail.com


Gary gave me a phone reading 2 nights ago and I slept better that night than I have all year. He is very clear and upfront on what to expect and how his approach will be. I had a half hour and the time flew by and even went over the time. There is no denying that he is legitimate. He knew things that only myself and deceased loved ones know. His own wise words are mingled in during the call (and his humor : ) ) I will be contacting him again, and thank him eternally.

Jennifer M. - Parkersburg,WV


I have had several readings from Gary over the years. I am just amazed every time how accurate he is. One of his best features is to put you at ease during his sessions...very important so that you can relax to hear your loved ones come through...so glad I meet you 4 1/2 yrs ago in the mop closet at the Athens Book Store. I felt comfortable in our private setting and you and I had good laughs about it... many thanks and blessings to you Gary.

Judy W. Athens,Ohio


Gary and I have know each other for years. My daughter was dating a guy we will call him Jim. I thought he was a nice guy well boy was I wrong. Gary kept telling me he needs to go. I didn't listen at the time. Gary kept saying he has to go, boy was he right on the money. He turned out to be a real dirt bag. The spirit world took over and paid a visit one night and scared him to death. My dad who had passed a number of years before my daughter met this loser came for a visit. If I had listened to Gary I would have saved myself a lot of heart ache. He destroyed my family. So when Gary says something listen to Gary. My daughter lost eight years of her life. But she met a wonderful guy and Gary said she would. So listen when Gary says something.

Friends for Forever, Thelma, West Virginia


At age 42 my father, Leon, began having seizures, leading to a journey to find the cause followed by two major surgeries to remove the cause, which was a brain tumor. His battle, also our family's battle, was fought for four years and lost on September 7, 1959, a month before his 47th birthday. My brother was 11 years old and I was 16. My father was my strength, my confidante, my partner in star gazing, in poetry, and writing . I was helpless during those years as I watched him wither away and then leave this earth, leaving a deep void within all of us. My Mother was 44 years old. The memory of his funeral is a mental vision surrounded by sepia and held tight by a thick shell not allowing any emotions to get in or seep out. For many years, any connection to him, or memories or feelings, stayed safely shelved deep in this shell, seemingly forever. During some rougher times in 1986, when I lived in New Jersey, I needed to go to therapy for some present-day-life changing 'things' and while in therapy the image and idea of my father suddenly emerged. I was sort of shocked. We, the therapist and I, ardently worked to bring thoughts, feelings, and responses to the surface. This went on for a few years and was a futile effort. We were hacking at a stubborn shell.

Fast forward - I moved back to WV in early 2000 and begin life here. In about 2009, I started taking Gary's weekly classes. For a long time, I never thought to ask certain questions, but one evening right before Thanksgiving and my Birthday, I asked Gary ''What about my father?" Immediately, Gary responded that my father said, "I am honored that you recognized me and that you have my baby picture next to your computer." Even though it may seem weird, I do have a picture of my father at age six months , wearing a little white gown, and smiling his ever present warm and loving smile. Since that first response, what I call a breakthrough, there have been many, many other interactions and connections between us including the fact that my father said he helped my brother, also called Gary, pick out balloons for my 70th birthday . This was a surprise to both me and later to my brother when I told him. Since that breakthrough, I can feel my father's soft and gentle, protective, and loving energy around me and hear his wisdom, just as his spirit was in life. Gary had already opened the connection between me and others, especially my mother, with her lighthearted wit and humor, and her positive energy, strength, and grace. We are blessed to have Gary (who does not like to take credit- I insist!) connecting our soul-are powers to each other and to a greater horizon, giving us hope and understanding, and letting us know that life isn't just in this form, but even more powerful things unseen by the physical eye. I feel as though my father is part of our lives and somehow we can be part of his .

Linda T., Charleston, WV


I highly recommend getting a reading from Gary ! His accuracy and ability to communicate with loved ones in heaven is profound. I have had readings from several psychics across the country and none can compare to him. He relayed information to me that could only have come from my deceased grandparents. It was very exciting! Gary's presence is very pleasant and I felt completely at ease while getting my reading. If you would like to communicate with deceased loved ones or if you would just like some guidance for this lifetime, please call Gary. I can't wait until my next appointment !

Jennifer, Charleston, WV


Thank you so much for taking time with me on short notice earlier this week. Your insights have helped me more than you know.

God bless, Mark


When my young adult children visited Gary for the first time, he asked them, "What significance does the circus have for you?" Both jaws dropped. When in high school their dad "ran away" and joined the circus for the summer, which was a profound experience for him. The kids visited the circus almost every year when young, both Ringing Bros and their dad's circus, Clyde Beatty Cole Bros.

Bless you, Sue


My wife had passed on about six weeks before I met Gary and I decided to ''talk'' to him about my loss. The information Gary relayed to me could have only come from my wife and others who have passed. Please contact Gary if you desire to hear from a departed loved one . It will give you a new and blessed outlook on life.

Jim, Charleston, WV


Hi Gary, Just wanted to tell you that after talking to you last night I started to ponder on what you had said. You asked me about my back teeth, and asked if I had a loose tooth. I said no. Well, this morning on my way to work I was chewing gum my damn crown fell out . I busted out laughing. Just thought I would share with you. Have a good day.

Cheryl, Columbus, Ohio


One of the questions in everyone's mind is "how accurate is this psychic?" When you began describing the future for my mother, I kept thinking that all that you stated was just not possible. It did not make sense with her history, family history, medical prognosis or even expectations of any family member. The end result is that as events unfolded, and all the symptoms you described appeared. All the events were actually the result of a septic UTI, a staff infection and pneumonia on top of all that. Every single description became reality . Without question, you are one of the most accurate psychics in existence and I highly recommend you to anyone who desires an accurate , comprehensive reading.

An amazed client forever, JLM, Parkersburg , WV


The way our human brains make sense of any new experience is by contrast and comparison with what we already know or have experienced. The same process applies to the evaluation of psychic readings, mediumship or the delivery of information from sources invisible to most of the world.

When a friend called to tell me about her reading with Gary, her assessment caught my attention because she is quite intuitive in her own right. My personal experience with numerous readers is that 95% of those who do readings and believe themselves to be fully developed psychics has been disappointing at best.

In this case, since a new concern had just developed about my mother, I decided to call and schedule an appointment as quickly as possible to get the information from someone who knew nothing about me or my family.

Gary's approach is rapid fire information with insight , compassion and understanding. He says that the information is what one is meant to hear, not necessarily what one wants to hear. In this instance, the information was exactly what I wanted to hear, for which I am extremely grateful, because the news was good news about the present and future. What will unfold remains to be seen, but the information about the past and the present was extremely accurate, so there is every reason to expect that the future will unfold as he described it .

Gary is without question one of the best psychics I have ever met, far better than most on television or radio. His ability to deliver information in a coherent manner is unusual, as is his ability to find pertinent information regarding a specific topic or question.

Gary deserves the highest recommendation possible. His abilities are well developed, his communication and interpretation exceptional, his integrity and ethics admirable, and his commitment to rendering the best service possible is evident in every word he speaks.

With great respect and admiration, Judith M., Brownsville, Texas


Gary and I had never spoken before Dec 5th. A mutual friend had given me the number and I had kept it until then. I started the conversation with my questions and then I hear some things come from Gary's mouth that would have been impossible for him to know other than the fact that he has been truly blessed with a gift. I am now a true believer that he is really blessed with a gift from God. Gary is the real deal. He is so humble, sincere and very unassuming. I will definitely call him again!

SK, Lexington, KY


I had a reading with Gary over the telephone from another state. I had never spoken to Gary before. The reading that was given to me was truly indescribable. Gary relayed messages to me from both of my parents whom had passed on. He gave explicit details that there was no way he could have known without knowing them. He said things about my personal life, my health, my career, my finances and objects close to me like my home and my car. I encourage everyone to give Gary a try. After the session I felt the weight of the world had been lifted from my shoulders.

Columbus , Ohio


I met Gary in Parkersburg, WV for a personal reading and have also been read by Gary over the phone on two occasions. In all three readings, Gary was on target in reading not only me but my relatives who had passed many years ago. I was able to take information provided by Gary and apply it to my current life situations, and everything worked out just as Gary said it would, including giving me the confidence to make changes that would alter the outcome. I recommend calling Gary to anyone who would like to have insight to the past, present or future.

Columbus , Ohio


I have been to other psychics but my experience was totally different with Gary, he used nothing but his God-given gift to explain things to me, pass messages from family members who have crossed over, and provide guidance on handing troubling situations . Gary provides specifics, not generalities. I encourage anyone to contact Gary and experience a reading with him . You will come away with a different perspective on things.

Columbus , OH ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

For all you non believers out there all I want to say is just open your mind and heart. If if you are truly wanting help with something, or closure, or answers from a love one who has passed, you will get answers from Gary. I have been to other physics and I have to say Gary has my heart. God truly sent him to help.

Lexington, KY


I met Gary in July 2006 during a very devastating time of my life . I had just lost my 18 year old son, Craig. Gary's talents are far more than just words. Words cannot define the peace and comfort that he has brought to me. Gary gives all his credit to God. I thank God for bringing Gary into my life.

Madison , WV


Your psychic abilities are amazing. Being able to hear from family members who have passed has brought me a lot of peace. Thank you for your role in helping me communicate with them.

Charleston, WV


You truly have a wonderful gift. Your reading of me was very insightful and helpful. Your guidance has led me on a very positive career path.

Hamlin, WV


Thank you so much for the phone reading a couple of weeks ago. Sorry I was on the "slow" side. I started thinking of more questions over the next couple of days. I am so glad to hear you're coming to Parkersburg.

Parkersburg, WV


Hello Gary... Merry Christmas to you and I hope this finds you well. Wanted to tell you that I had a heart cath and they didn't find any clogged arteries.... just like you told me. I do have congestive heart failure and I am taking lasix which keeps the fluid down. Gary, your readings are so accurate if your client would listen to you...I have enjoyed my readings and hope to connect again in the spring...so thank you so much and have a wonderful New Year.

JD (Lexington , KY)


Gary's Psychic Readings are for entertainment purposes only.