
Web Page Creation and Publishing

Tips to making your own web page and publishing them

Web Page Creation and Publishing


Introduction | The Task | Resources | The Process | Learning Advice | Conclusion




You shall be creating a personal web page using Microsoft Word’s Web Wizard and uploading this web page to a free website.   


The Task

The tasks are to:




You may use these various resources in learning more about the internet, client-server technology, programming languages, conducting research, and tools in making web ages.   For the use of Microsoft Word’s Web Wizard, you may also use the Help Menu to guide you.   You may use the various search engines (e.g. google.com, yahoo.com) to search for additional tips on making a web page aside from the links below.


The Quick Microsoft Word to Web Page for Academics: The Syllabus

. The Process

To accomplish the tasks enumerated above, please follow the following process:


Note on hyperlinking:  Under the topic “Organize the navigation links to your Web Pages”, the Web Wizard automatically hyperlinks all the topics, viz., Personal Web Page, Page 1, and Page 2.   You may, however, want to do this manually using the Hyperlink command.  To use the hyperlink command, you may highlight any word, object, image in the document and then go to the menu item, Insert, then press hyperlink.  You have four choices of hyperlinking:

Existing File or Web Page

Place in this Document

Create New Document

E-mail address

      You may practice on these four methods of hyperlinking.. 

The first four sites offer free hosting.  You may register in any of these sites.  Within each site, you may have as many free hosting sites as the number of your e-mail addresses.  The reason why these sites offer free hosting is because of advertisements.  Every time you open these sites, there is some form of advertisement.

Tip:  the site http://www.brinkster.com/ has practically no advertisements.

The last site, http://www.cjb.net/, offers an alias that  points to your real website.  Tip:   You can customize your websites’ Universal Resource Locator (URL) to your preference using http://www.cjb.net/ .  For instance, if you have a lengthy URL like, www.tripod.com/members/~garygrey/events1.htm you can shorten this to http://www.garygrey.cjb.net/.

Go to the website of google: http://sites.google.com

Go through the guide in making a website.  Experiment with the tools that are provided like Gadgets.  You may also experiment with how to hyperlink other Google features like Google Earth, Google Maps, and other new dynamic features which Google provides.

Register your e-mail.  (Preferably this should be a Google e-mail because sites.google.com  is owned by Google and there are built-in synergies between these sites.  If you don’t have an existing e-mail, create one with http://mail.google.com . You may use also your personal e-mail or company e-mail.  However, if the PC you’re using is in the computer lab, you will still need to configure this to accept your e-mail.)

Once you have registered, open your e-mail to get your username log-in and password.  This will be from an e-mail sent by Google for confirmation

If you want to use other website hosts like www.tripod.com, www.multiply.com , www.weebly.com , www.freeweb.com , etc. you may use their respective File Managers to make your webpage. 

        Congratulations! You may now view your uploaded file by going to your website’s URL.


Learning Advice

There are many ways to make a web page aside from Microsoft Word.  The simplest tool is using the Save As webpage (html) command..  Others may prefer Dreamweaver or other Macromedia Tools.  The website hosts also offer tools for making web pages. Interactive web pages may require deeper knowledge of programming using Java, XML, and ASP.

 The objective of this workshop is to provide the common user/business student a starter kit for making web pages and having this hosted to a free website.  In the process, concepts such as client-server technology, hyperlinking, hypertext mark-up language (HTML) surfing, searching for information, and internet-related technologies are explored and discovered.

You may enhance your Personal Web Page by editing the various headings to your preference.  You may add graphics, pictures, movies, spreadsheets, powerpoint presentations, and databases.  You may also want to create a company web page by modifying the web page or using pre-defined templates either in Word or other web development tools.  You could also “cut and paste” your Word document and  to a Microsoft Word Template so that you could enhance your Web Page.

The summation of lessons learned in a Powerpoint presentation also builds the student’s presentation skills and augments if not strengthen the new knowledge learned.



This workshop has presented an overview of how the Internet is impacting business particularly in the creation of a web site using a tool most end-users know – Microsoft Word.


We described a set of web page design elements called CONES. This stands for content, organization, navigation, economy, and security. Web pages can be evaluated in terms of these elements. More importantly, these elements can be used to aid in the design of a new web site, as we saw when we went through the process of developing an example web site.

Finally, we have examined how web page files, in HTML format, can be created using Microsoft Word 97/2000/XP. We were able to use the familiar environment of the Word software package with just a few modifications to develop our HTML files.


The creation of a web page and having this hosted in a website is one of the most important lessons in creating an online community.  This online community could be as simple as having a personal web page or this could be as complex as B2B or B2C portals in various business enterprises.  One’s presence becomes instantaneously global once one’s URL is published and hosted in the internet.   This global presence connotes power – the power of information.   This power should be used judiciously and prudently within best practices and ethical standards.  We have shown that a simple user with no knowledge of any programming language but knowing Microsoft Word can make his own web site and go global.


This page written by Gary A. Grey

This page was adapted from Bernie Dodge 's WebQuest_Template1.html by Tom March