

"Cartel Damages Claims, Passing-On and Passing-Back" under submission, R&R, (with Han, T.D.J, Harvey, J. and Olczak, M.)


"Automated Switching Services" (2023), Economics Letters, Vol. 232, 111351 (with Li, R. and Wilson, C.M.)

"Emerging Challenges in Competition Policy and Regulation," (2023), Journal of Industrial and Business Economics, 50(2), 221-225, Editorial, (with Battaggion, M., Giulietti, M., and Grilli, L.)

"Supply- vs Demand-Side Transparency: The Collusive Effects under Imperfect Public Monitoring" (2021), Journal of Industrial Economics, 69(3), 537-560 (with Olczak, M.)

"Price Advertising, Double Marginalisation and Vertical Restraints" (2020), Economics Letters, Vol. 196, 109600 (with Olczak, M. and Wilson, C.M.)

"Transaction Costs as a Source of Consumer Stockpiling" (2019), BE Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy, 19(3) (with Li, R. and Wilson, C.M.)

"Explicit vs Tacit Collusion: The Effects of Firm Numbers and Asymmetries" (2018), International Journal of Industrial Organization, 56(1), 1-25 (with Olczak, M.) - International Journal of Industrial Organization Best Theoretical Paper Award Winner 2019

"Collusion under Imperfect Monitoring with Asymmetric Firms" (2017), Journal of Industrial Economics, 65(3), 654-682 (with Olczak, M.)

"Early Settlement in European Merger Control" (2016), Journal of Industrial Economics, 64(1), 27-63 (with Lyons, B.) - Nominated for Antitrust Writing Award 2017

"Default Effects, Transaction Costs and Imperfect Information" (2013), Economics Letters, 119(2), 213-215 (with Munro, A. and Wilson, C.M.) 

"Collusive Price Rigidity under Price-Matching Punishments" (2012), International Journal of Industrial Organization, 30(5), 471-482

"When Are Excessive Prices Unfair?" (2011), Journal of Competition Law and Economics, 7(2), 403-426 (with Akman, P.) 

"Competition Remedies in Consumer Markets" (2009), Loyola Consumer Law Review, 21(4), 439-495 (with Hviid, M., Loomes, G. and Waddams Price, C.)


Hub-and-Spoke Cartels: Why They Form, How They Operate, and How to Prosecute Them, (2021), The MIT Press (with Harrington, J. and Olczak, M.)


"Measuring the Impact of Big Tech Firms on the UK Economy" (2022), A methodology paper by Economic Insight Ltd for the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport, (see section 8)

Written evidence for the Future of Banking Commission, (2010) (with Lyons, B. and Zhu, M.) - cited on p.67 of the Future of Banking Commission Report

"Assessing the Effectiveness of Potential Remedies in Consumer Markets" (2008) A report prepared for the Office of Fair Trading, (with Hviid, M., Loomes, G. and Waddams Price, C.)


"Rockets and Feathers in the UK Energy Market: Cartel or Competition?" (2017) Online Article, Institute for Research in Economics and Fiscal Issues (with Olczak, M. and Wilson, C. M.)

"How Do Changes in Production Costs Affect Prices?" (2016) Economic Review, 34(1), 24-27 (with Olczak, M. and Wilson, C. M.) 

"Collusion and Cartels" (2015) Palgrave Encyclopedia of Strategic Management (with Olczak, M.)

"When Demand Rises, Do Prices Rise Too?" (2014) Economic Review, 32(1), 12-15 (with Wilson, C. M.)

"The Benefits of Active Customers" (2008) Agenda: Advancing Economics in Business, Oxera (with Hviid, M.)