

    1. Ridinger G, McBride M (2015) Money affects theory of mind differently by gender. PLoS ONE 10(12): e0143973.

    2. Ridinger G, John R S, Mcbride M, Scurich N, (2016). Attacker deterrence and perceived risk in a Stackelberg Security Game. Risk Analysis 36(8): 1666-1681. Supplemental Appendix.

    3. Ridinger G, (2018). Cultural transmission and extortion. Games, 9(3), 49.

    4. Ridinger, G, (2018). Ownership, Punishment, and Norms in a Real-effort Bargaining Experiment. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 155, 382-402.

    5. Parker, E, Ridinger, G, (2019). Understanding the Payday Lending Market. In Parker, E., Pietrasienski, P., Tosun M.S., Wachowiak, P., Wojtsiak-Kotlarski, M., eds., Entrepreneurship, Economic Development, and Public Policy- In Search of Synergies, Warsaw School of Economics.

    6. Leary, B R, Ridinger, G, (2020). Denial without Determination: The Impact of Systemic Market Access Denial on Consumer Power and Market Engagement. Journal of Public Policy and Marketing.

    7. Ridinger G, (2020). Shame and Theory-of-mind Predicts Rule-following Behavior. Games, 11, 36.

    8. Ridinger G, McBride, M, (2020). Reciprocity in games with unknown types. In Capra M, Croson R, Rigdon M, Rosenblatt T, des., Handbook of Experimental Game theory, Edward Elgar Publishing.

    9. Burnham, T, Ridinger, G, Carpenter, A, Choi, L, (2020). Consumer Suggestion Sharing: Helpful, Pragmatic, and Conditional. European Journal of Marketing 55, 726-762.

    10. Ridinger, G. (2021). Intentions and outcomes: fairness and cooperation in a sequential prisoner's dilemma with nature, Games.

    11. Guerrero, F., Papadovasilaki, D., Ridinger, G., Sundali, J. (2021). Investor Beliefs in the Midst of a Market Crash and the Covid 19 Pandemic: Survey and Experimental Evidence, Decision.

    12. McBride, M., Ridinger, G. (2021) Beliefs Also Make Social-norm Preferences Social. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization.

    13. Leonhardt, J.M., Ridinger, G., Rong, Y., Talaei-Khoe, A. (2021). Invincibility Threatens Vaccine Intentions During a Pandemic. PLoS ONE.

Working Papers

    1. Ridinger, G., McBride, M. Theory-of-mind Ability and Cooperation. Under Review.

    2. Guerrero, F., Papadovasilaki, D., Ridinger, G., Sundali, J. Don't Sweat it: Staying Calm During a Market Crash.

Other Works

Ridinger, Garret. 2011. "Empathetic Concern, Altruism, and the Pursuit of Distributive Justice." California State University, Fullerton, 2011. United States – California: ProQuest Dissertations & Theses A&I.