Econ 700 Mathematics for Economists

Econ 700 is a math course for first year masters in economics.

Course Information

Instructor: David Hansen

Office: 7401 Social Science Building


Lecture: MoWe 11:00-12:15, Ingraham 22

TAs: Yue Li, Zhigang Ge


Info of Zhigang Ge

Office: 7231 Social Science Bld


Office hours: Tue 9:30-10:30 am, Fri 2:30-3:30 pm and by appointment

Handouts and Answer Keys

(Week 2, 09/11/2015, prepared by Yue): handout1 /Answer Keys

(Week 3, 09/18/2015, prepared by Zhigang): handout2 / Answer Keys

(Week 4, 09/26/2015, prepared by Yue): handout3 / Answer Keys

(Week 5, 10/01/2015, prepared by Zhigang): handout4 / Answer Keys

(Week 7, 10/16/2015, prepared by Yue): handout5 / Answer Keys

(Week 8, 10/22/2015, prepared by Zhigang): handout6 / Answer Keys

(Week 9, 10/30/2015, prepared by Yue): handout7 / Answer Keys

(Week 10, 11/04/2015, prepared by Zhigang): handout8 / Answer Keys

(Week 11, 11/12/2015, prepared by Yue): handout 9 / Answer Keys

(Week 14, 12/04/2015, prepared by Zhigang): handout 10 / Answer Keys

(Week 15, 12/11/2015, prepared by Yue): handout 11 / Answer Keys


Fall 2014 Mditerm 1: Questions / Solutions


Yue Li TA for Econ 700 (fall 2015)

Josephine Xu TA for Econ 700 (fall 2014)