Galyna Dobrovolska

My name is Galyna Dobrovolska. I am interested in geometric representation theory and related fields of algebra, geometry, and combinatorics. I am a postdoc at Ariel University. In 2018-2021 I was a postdoc at Perimeter Institute in Waterloo, Canada. In 2014-2018 I was a postdoc at Columbia University, with a break in 2015-2016 when I was a postdoc at Max-Planck Institute in Bonn. In 2009-2014 I was a Ph.D. student at the University of Chicago under the direction of Roman Bezrukavnikov and Victor Ginzburg. In 2005-2008 I was an undergraduate student at MIT. In 2003 and 2004 I participated in the IMO, receiving a bronze and a gold medal.

Research Statement

Contact Information: 

e-mail: galdobr at gmail dot com

my cell phone: +972 (58) 364-9905


Teaching Statement


G. Dobrovolska, Combinatorial wall-crossing for the sign representation of prime size, arXiv , 6 pages, submitted.

G. Dobrovolska, “Finite Local Systems in the Drinfeld-Laumon Construction.” arXiv. 13 pages, to be submitted soon.

G. Dobrovolska, V. Ginzburg, R. Travkin, “Moduli Spaces, Indecomposable Objects, and Potentials over a Finite Field.” arXiv. 80 pages, to be submitted soon.


G. Dobrovolska, "Crossingless sheaves and their classes in equivariant K-theory," arXiv , 11 pages, accepted to the Ukrainian  Mathematical Journal.

G. Dobrovolska, V. Nandakumar, D. Yang, "Modular representations in type A with a two-row nilpotent central character," Journal of Algebra 643 (2024), 311-339. arXiv 

R. Bezrukavnikov, S. Dawydiak, G. Dobrovolska, "On the structure of the affine asymptotic Hecke algebras," Transformation Groups 28 (2023), 1059-1079.  arXiv

G. Dobrovolska, "Some remarks on combinatorial wall-crossing," The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 29(1) (2022)  #P1.36, 8 pages arXiv

M. Finkelberg, A. Kuznetsov, L. Rybnikov, G. Dobrovolska, “Towards a Cluster structure on Trigonometric Zastava,Sel. Math. New Ser. 24 (2018), 187-225. arXiv

A. Braverman, G. Dobrovolska, M. Finkelberg, “Gaiotto-Witten Superpotential and Whittaker D-Modules on Monopoles." Adv. Math. 300 (2016), 451-472.  arXiv

G. Dobrovolska, “Fourier-Deligne Transform and Representations of the Symmetric Group,” Math. Res. Lett. MRL 20 (2013), 1059-1070. arXiv 

G. Dobrovolska, P. Etingof “An Upper Bound for the Lower Central Series Quotients of a Free Associative Algebra,” Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN 2008, no. 12, 10 pp. arXiv

G. Dobrovolska, J. Kim, X. Ma “On Lower Series of Associative Algebra” (with an Appendix by Pavel Etingof), J. Algebra 320 (2008), 213–237. arXiv

G. Dobrovolska, P. Pylyavskyy “On Products of sl_n Characters and Support Containment,” J. Algebra 316 (2007), 706-714. arXiv


GAP3 code,  the supplementary material for the paper "Combinatorial wall-crossing for the sign representation of prime size"

Yellow Pig on MathOverflow

Some personal information:

I am married to Ilya Gekhtman.