
Plastiques dans l'air

Plastiques dans la pluie

Inorganic geochemistry and peat

Présentations dans des conférences internationales avec résumés:

En tant que premier auteur


G. Le Roux, A. Claustres , A. Cuvier, A. Simonneau, M. Enrico, D. Galop, F. Mazier, D. Claval, M. Souhaut, X. Cagnat, A. Probst, F. De Vleeschouwer, L. Pourcelot, P. Van Beek (talk), Variability of artificial radionuclides in a small catchment in the French Pyrenees, 24ième Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, Pau, 27-31 octobre 2014

G. Le Roux, F.De Vleeschouwer, N. Mattielli, N. Fagel (poster), Saharan dust input during the early middle Holocene transition, 24ième Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, Pau, 27-31 octobre 2014

G. Le Roux (talk), Soil inventories of natural and artificial radionuclides in mountain environments, Global Fair and Workshop on Long-Term Observing Systems of Mountain Social-Ecological Systems July 16-19 2014 University of Nevada, Reno, USA

G. Le Roux (film), R. Teisserenc, L. Gandois, F. De Vleeschouwer, A.Claustres, Winter student fieldwork in the Pyrenees: "Water Hunters", Global Fair and Workshop on Long-Term Observing Systems of Mountain Social-Ecological Systems July 16-19 2014 University of Nevada, Reno, USA

G. Le Roux, François De Vleeschouwer, Nadine Mattielli, Nathalie Fagel (poster), Saharan Dust input during the early-middle Holocene transition, DUST conference, Castellaneta Marina, Italy 1-6 june 2014

G. Le Roux, PEAT: Past Environmental Archives Toulouse (poster), Open PAGES Focus 4 Workshop, Human-Climate-Ecosystem Interactions,Past Global Changes – PAGES: “Towards a more accurate quantification of human-environment interactions in the past”, University of Leuven, Belgium, February 3-7, 2014

G. Le Roux, E. Pinelli, M. Hedde, M. Guiresse, F. De Vleeschouwer, J. Silvestre, M. Enrico, L. Gandois, F. Monna, C. Gers, A.Probst (poster): New insights on antimony biogeochemistry based on environmental archives, soil studies and toxicity assessments, 29th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF THE SOCIETY FOR ENVIRONMENTAL GEOCHEMISTRY AND HEALTH, 8th-12th July 2013 Toulouse (France)

G. Le Roux, Eric Pinelli, Mickael Hedde, Maritxu Guiresse, François De Vleeschouwer, Jérôme Silvestre, Charles Gers, Anne Probst (poster) BioGeochemistry of antimony, Sources, Transfers, Impacts and Assessment, EGU, 07 – 12 April 2013, Vienna, Austria

G. Le Roux, N. Fagel, F. De Vleeschouwer, N. Matielli and W. Shotyk, Holocene deposition of atmospheric REE in Europe (Poster), Goldschmidt conference, 24-20 June, 2012, Montreal Canada

Le Roux G. et Galop D., Spatial and temporal variability of Pb deposition in the French Pyrenees (talk). Environmental & Pyrenees International Conference (EPIC) Sciences Building Hall, School of Sciences, University of Navarra, 19-21 October 2011

G. Le Roux, N. Fagel, M. Krachler, V. Debaille, P. Stille, F. De Vleeschouwer, N. Matielli, W.O. van der Knaap, J. F.N. van Leeuwen and W. Shotyk (talk) Dust record over Central Europe and the Holocene history of Sahara, INQUA Conference, 21-27 July 2011, Bern, Switzerland. Abstract published in Le Roux, Gaël; Dust record over Central Europe and the Holocene history of Sahara,Quaternary International,279,,269,2012,Pergamon

G. Le Roux, J. Sylvestre, M. Kombilla, A. Probst, E. Pinelli (poster) Co-exposure and genotoxicity to Sb and Pb: a micronucleus test on Vicia faba, International conference on environment and health, 10th – 15th april 2011, Edge Hill University, UK

G. Le Roux, N. Fagel, M. Krachler, V. Debaille, P. Stille, F. De Vleeschouwer, N. Matielli, W.O. van der Knaap, J. F.N. van Leeuwen and W. Shotyk (talk) Dust input – Climate interactions through the Holocene in Central Europe, Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, Bordeaux, 25-29 Octobre 2010

G. Le Roux, F. De Vleeschouwer, A. Probst (talk) Spatial and temporal of atmospheric deposition of antimony at different scales, Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, Bordeaux, 25-29 Octobre 2010

G. Le Roux, F. De Vleeschouwer, A. Cheburkin, M. Krachler, W. Shotyk, N. Mattielli, N. Fagel (poster) Holocene records of regional dust deposition using peat bogs., Goldschmidt 2008, Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta, Vol. 72, Issue 12, Supplement 1, A535

G. Le Roux, De Vleeschouwer F., Cheburkin A., Krachler M., Mattielli N., Renson V., Shotyk W. and Fagel N. (2008). Development of a "pre-anthropogenic" peat standard for geochemical, paleo-environmental and archaeological investigations. Réunion des Sciences de la Terre. Nancy, France, 21–27 April 2008. Abstract + poster.

G. Le Roux, L. Bourcier, O. Connan, D. Maro, O. Mason (talk). 7Be, excess 210Pb and artificial radionuclides as tracers of orographic deposition of aerosols by direct and indirect measurements, 23ième congrès français sur les aerosols, CFA 2007-2008, 16-17 janvier 2008, Paris

G. Le Roux, C. Antonelli, F. Eyrolle, M. Krachler, J. Loyen, O. Masson, C. Mercat-Rommens, W. Shotyk; poster: Nouvelles données sur les radionucléides naturels des chaînes de désintégration de l'Uranium-Thorium dans les eaux françaises (7ième congrès international du GRUTTEE sur le suivi et le devenir des contaminants dans l'environnement, 29-31/10/2007)

G. Le Roux, L. Pourcelot, O. Masson, C. Duffa, F. Vray, P. Renaud; poster: Use of inventories of natural and artificial radionuclides in soils to estimate total aerosols deposition and origin in French mountains (European Aerosol Conference, Salzburg, Austria, 9-14/09/2007)

G. Le Roux , L. Bourcier, O. Masson: 7Be, excess 210Pb and artificial radionuclides as tracers of orographic deposition of aerosols, talk: (Goldschmidt Conference, Köln, Germany, 19-24/08/2007)

G. Le Roux; talk: Limitations of stable Pb isotopes as tracers applied to archaeology and paleometallurgy in absence of clear possible sources: local vs. global sources in atmospheric european archives (Mines et métallurgies anciennes du Plomb dans leurs environnements. Apports des méthodes contribuant à leurs études, Florac, 8-10/09/2006)

G. Le Roux, A. Véron, C. Morhange et C. Scholz; talk: Heavy metals and lead isotopic characterisation of anthropisation in mediterranean harbours (Mines et métallurgies anciennes du Plomb dans leurs environnements. Apports des méthodes contribuant à leurs études, Florac, 8-10/09/2006)

G. Le Roux, D. Aubert, M. Krachler, N. Givelet, A. Cheburkin, B. Kober, P. Stille, W. Shotyk ; talk: Multi-element and isotopic characterisation of atmospheric lead pollution in a rural site in Southern Germany (Joint Earth Sciences Meeting, Strasbourg, 2004)

G. Le Roux, D. Aubert, M. Krachler, N. Givelet, A. Cheburkin, B. Kober, P. Stille, W. Shotyk ; talk: Multi-element and isotopic characterisation of atmospheric lead pollution in a rural site in Southern Germany (Joint Earth Sciences Meeting, Strasbourg, 2004)

G. Le Roux, N. Givelet, D. Aubert, A. Cheburkin, M. Krachler, B. Kober, P. Stille, W. Shotyk; talk: Ombrotrophic peat bogs. Sensitive and continuous archives of past deposition (Joint Earth Sciences Meeting, Strasbourg, 2004)

G. Le Roux, N. Givelet, D. Aubert, A. Cheburkin, M. Krachler, B. Kober, P. Stille, W. Shotyk; talk: Ombrotrophic peat bogs. Sensitive and continuous archives of past deposition (The Quaternary Research Association Third International Postgraduate Symposium, Bruxelles, 2004)

G. Le Roux, A. Cheburkin, B. Kober, W. Shotyk, M. Krachler, H.J. Küster; poster : Weathering of minerals as a source of metals in peat bogs (International Symposium on Environmental Geochemistry conference, Edinburgh, 2003)

G. Le Roux, A Véron, C. Morhange, K. Espic; talk: Lead isotopic characterisation of anthropisation in a mediterranean ancient harbour (International Symposium on Environmental Geochemistry conference, Edinburgh, 2003)

G. Le Roux, D. Weiss, A. Cheburkin, N. Rausch, J. Grattan, M. Krachler and W. Shotyk ; talk: Heavy metals, especially lead, deposition recorded in an ombrotrophic peat bog near Manchester, United Kingdom (XII international conference on "Heavy Metals in the Environment", Grenoble, 2003)

En tant que co-auteur:

R. Teisserenc, L-E. Heimbürger, C. Lagane, L. Laffont, G. Le Roux, J. E. Sonke, L. Gandois, J.-L. Probst, High resolution monitoring of Hg species during the 2012 spring flood of the Great Whale River (Canada), 24ième Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, Pau, 27-31 octobre 2014

M. Enrico, L.-E. Heimbürger, G. Le Roux, J. Sonke, Holocene and historical variations in atmospheric mercury deposition and isotopic composition inferred from two Pyrenean peatlands, 24ième Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, Pau, 27-31 octobre 2014

A. Simonneau, E. Chapron, D. Galop, K. Tachikawa, G. Le Roux, E. Bard , Conséquences des activités hydroélectriques modernes sur le fonctionnement des écosystèmes lacustres : le cas de l’Etang Majeur (Observatoire Homme Milieu Pyrénées Haut Vicdessos, Pyrénées, France) , 24ième Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, Pau, 27-31 octobre 2014

A. Claustres, A. Probst, G. Le Roux, Wet deposition of trace elements over Vicdessos valley (Ariège Pyrenees,

FRANCE) : Where do they come from ? , 24ième Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, Pau, 27-31 octobre 2014

A. Cuvier, L. Pourcelot, A. Claustres, F. Panza, P. Van Beek, A. Simonneau, M.Enrico, D. Galop, F. Mazier, G. Le Roux, X. Cagnat, M. Motelica-Heino, Spatial repartition and disequilibrium of natural radionuclides from the U-Th decay chains in a small catchment in the French Pyrenees, , 24ième Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, Pau, 27-31 octobre 2014

A. Cuvier, L. Pourcelot, G. Le Roux, Environmental Assessment of Trace Metals Contamination Near Former French Uranium Mines, Goldschmidt Conference California, Sacramento, 8-13 June 2014

A. Cuvier, G. Le Roux, L. Pourcelot, F. Panza, B. Foissard, Multiscale Study of Radionuclides Variability Near Former French Uranium Mines, Goldschmidt Conference California, Sacramento, 8-13 June 2014

M. Allan, G. Le Roux, N. Mattielli, N. Piotrowska, N. Fagel, Holocene dust record in a Belgian peat bog : multiproxy geochemical approach, DUST conference, Castellaneta Marina, Italy 1-6 june 2014

Didier Galop, OHM researcher, G. Le Roux (presenting author: talk) regrouping all researchers, OHM Pyrenées: Mining legacy in the high valley of the Vicdessos, Global Fair and Workshop on Long-Term Observing Systems of Mountain Social-Ecological Systems July 16-19 2014 University of Nevada, Reno, USA

Didier Galop, OHM researcher regrouping all researchers, G. Le Roux & T. Houet (presenting authors: poster), The Haut-Vicdessos mountain observatory: a multi-disciplinary framework for studying past and current human-nature interactions, Global Fair and Workshop on Long-Term Observing Systems of Mountain Social-Ecological Systems July 16-19 2014 University of Nevada, Reno, USA

Didier GALOP, regrouping all researchers OHM Team , G. Le Roux & T. Houet (presenting authors: poster),

The Haut-Vicdessos mountain observatory: monitoring environmental resources and social changes, , Global Fair and Workshop on Long-Term Observing Systems of Mountain Social-Ecological Systems July 16-19 2014 University of Nevada, Reno, USA

Didier GALOP, regrouping all researchers OHM Team , G. Le Roux & T. Houet (presenting authors: poster),

The Haut-Vicdessos mountain observatory: Tools and databases for monitoring the impact of agropastoral land uses on landscape changes, , Global Fair and Workshop on Long-Term Observing Systems of Mountain Social-Ecological Systems July 16-19 2014 University of Nevada, Reno, USA

Stephane Binet1,2,3, Jean-Marc Antoine4, Vincent Bustillo5, Simon Gascoin5, Laure Gandois2,3, OHM team, G. Le Roux & T. Houet (presenting authors: poster), Water and Carbon budget in a small peatland in the Pyrenees: an interdisciplinary approach, , Global Fair and Workshop on Long-Term Observing Systems of Mountain Social-Ecological Systems July 16-19 2014 University of Nevada, Reno, USA

C.Gers, F. Guillot, P.Bence, D. Galop, G. Le Roux (presenting author: poster), Metal contamination on subterranean Coleoptera in two Pyrenean Caves (France), , Global Fair and Workshop on Long-Term Observing Systems of Mountain Social-Ecological Systems July 16-19 2014 University of Nevada, Reno, USA

A. Claustres, D. Galop, M. Enrico, S. Baron, F. De Vleeschouwer, F. Mazier, D. Rius, L.-E. Heimbürger, J. Sonke, A. Probst, G. Le Roux (presenting author: talk), Mining legacy in French Pyrenees mountain range: new insights from environmental archives, Global Fair and Workshop on Long-Term Observing Systems of Mountain Social-Ecological Systems July 16-19 2014 University of Nevada, Reno, USA

T. Le Dantec, L. Gandois, R. Teisserenc, N. Séjalon-Delmas, G. Le Roux (poster : presenting author), Characterization of dissolved organic matter released from a Pyrenean peatland, Global Fair and Workshop on Long-Term Observing Systems of Mountain Social-Ecological Systems July 16-19 2014 University of Nevada, Reno, USA

A. Cuvier, L. Pourcelot, G. Le Roux, F. Panza, X. Cagnat, J. Prunier, Etude multi-échelle de l’accumulation de l’U-238 et de ses descendants autour de l’ancien site minier de Bertholène (Aveyron, 12), Les journées uranium 2014 / Orsay. lundi 24 novembre 2014 - mardi 25 novembre 2014

F. De Vleeschouwer, H. Vanneste, N. Mattielli, A. Vanderstraeten, C. Von Scheffer, N. Piotrowska, A. Coronato, G. Le Roux, Holocene peat bog records of atmospheric dust fluxes in Southern South America, INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ATMOSPHERIC DUST DUST conference, Castellaneta Marina, Italy 1-6 june 2014

A. Claustres, A. Probst, G. Le Roux, Isotopic composition of lead recorded in a peat core from central Pyrenees

(Bassiès, Ariège), does all the lead come from the same source?, 16èmes Journées Jeunes Chercheurs 2013Dunkerque, 28-30 Octobre 2013

Vanderstraeten, A., Bonneville, S.; Mattielli, N.; Schoemann, V.; Flament, P.; Deboudt, K.; Grobéty, B. B; De Vleeschouwer, F.; Le Roux, Gaël; Gieré, R.; ,"Dust Deposition in Snow from Northeast Antarctica: Mineralogical, Morphological and Chemical Charaterisation",SEGH conference abstracts,76,2014, SEGH 2014, Newcastle, U.K.

Vanneste, H.; De Vleeschouwer, F.; Mattielli, ND; Vanderstraeten, A.; von Scheffer, C.; Piotrowska, N.; Coronato, A.; Le Roux, G; ,Geochemical Evidence for Periods of Increased Mineral Dust Deposition in Patagonian Peat Bogs Since the Last Deglaciation,AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts,1,,02,2013,

Allan M, Le Roux G, Verheyden S, Mattiel N, Piotrowska N, Fagel N & Beghin J, Holocene Dust Record in a NW European Peat Bog: A Multiproxy Approach (talk), Goldschmidt 2013, August 25-30, Florence, Italy

De Vleeschouwer F, Vanneste H, Mattielli N, Vanderstraten A, Piotrowska N, Coronato A & Le Roux G, Holocene Peat Bog Records of Atmospheric Dust Fluxes in Southern South America (invited talk), Goldschmidt 2013, August 25-30, Florence, Italy

Adrien Claustres, Anne Probst, François De Vleeschouwer, Jeroen Sonke, Florence Mazier, Didier Galop, Sandrine Baron, Damien Rius, Maxime Enrico, Lars Heimbürger, Gaël Le Roux : Improvement in the understanding of mining legacy in the Pyrenees mountains using environmental archives, 29th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF THE SOCIETY FOR ENVIRONMENTAL GEOCHEMISTRY AND HEALTH, 8th-12th July 2013 Toulouse (France)

Théo Le Dantec, Laure Gandois, Roman Teisserenc, Gaël Le Roux : Characterization of dissolved organic matter released from a Pyrenean peatland. 29th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF THE SOCIETY FOR ENVIRONMENTAL GEOCHEMISTRY AND HEALTH, 8th-12th July 2013 Toulouse (France)

Adrien Claustres, Yannick Agnan, Nathalie Sejalon-Delmas, Gaël Le Roux, Anne Probst : Origin of atmospheric trace elements using rare earth elements and lead isotopes: lichens monitoring in a mountain volcanic area (the Puy de Dôme, France), 29th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF THE SOCIETY FOR ENVIRONMENTAL GEOCHEMISTRY AND HEALTH, 8th-12th July 2013 Toulouse (France)

Alicia Cuvier, Gael Le Roux, Laurent Pourcelot : Accumulation of radionuclides and trace elements in wetlands near former uranium mines, 29th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF THE SOCIETY FOR ENVIRONMENTAL GEOCHEMISTRY AND HEALTH, 8th-12th July 2013 Toulouse (France)

Mohammed Allan, Gael Le Roux, Jeroen Sonke, Natalia Piotrowska, Jarek Sikorski, Maurice Streel,Nathalie Fagel: Reconstructing historical atmospheric mercury deposition in Western Europe: The case study of the ombrotrophic Misten peat bog (Belgium), 29th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF THE SOCIETY FOR ENVIRONMENTAL GEOCHEMISTRY AND HEALTH, 8th-12th July 2013 Toulouse (France)

Allan, Mouhamad; Fagel, Nathalie; Le Roux, Gael; Mattielli, Nadine; Piotrowska, Natalia; Sikorski, Jarek; Dust historical record in ombrotrophic peat: The case study of a NW European bog, 11 th International Conference "Methods of Absolute Chronology", 15-18th May 2013, Podlesice, Poland

François De Vleeschouwer, Heleen Vanneste, Pierre Falba, Nadine Mattielli, Aubry Vanderstraeten, Natalia Piotrowska, Gaël Le Roux, Peat bog records of atmospheric dust fluxes in Chilean Tierra del Fuego. Preliminary results and perspectives, 11 th International Conference "Methods of Absolute Chronology", 15-18th May 2013, Podlesice, Poland

Heleen Vanneste, François De Vleeschouwer, Aubry Vanderstraeten, Nadine Mattielli, Delphine Triquet, Natalia Piotrowska, G. Le Roux (oral presenter), Rare earth element and Nd isotope geochemistry of an ombrotrophic peat bog at Karukinka (Chile, 53.9° S): a palaeo-record of Holocene dust deposition in Tierra del Fuego. EGU, 07 – 12 April 2013, Vienna, Austria

F De Vleeschouwer, H Vanneste, S Bertrand, A Coronata, D Gaiero, G. Le Roux (oral presenter), Peat bog Records of Atmospheric Dust fluxes-Holocene palaeoenvironmental and paleoclimatic implications for South America, EGU, 07 – 12 April 2013, Vienna, Austria

Allan, Mouhamad; Fagel, Nathalie; Le Roux, Gael; Mattielli, Nadine; Piotrowska, Natalia; Sikorski, Jarek; ,Dust historical record in ombrotrophic peat: The case study of a NW European bog, EGU, 07 – 12 April 2013, Vienna, Austria

Heleen Vanneste, François De Vleeschouwer, Gaël Le Roux (talk) Holocene dust deposition in Tierra del Fuego (Argentina): a REE and Nd isotopic record from a pristine peat bog, Harberton (54.9° S) 4-5 April 2013, Holocene Climate change workshop, The Geological Society, London

M. Enrico, L-E. Heimbürger, Le Roux G., Sonke, J. (talk) Atmospheric mercury deposition in South-west Europe, Goldschmidt conference, 24-20 June, 2012, Montreal Canada

L-E. Heimbürger, M. Enrico, Le Roux G., Sonke, J. (talk) Tracing anthropogenic Hg deposition to peat with Hg stable isotopes, Goldschmidt conference, 24-20 June, 2012, Montreal Canada

F. De Vleeschouwer, H. Vanneste, S. Bertrand, A. Coronata, D. Gaiero, G. Le Roux and the PARAD TEAM Members. PARAD (poster): Peat bog Records of Atmospheric Dust fluxes - Holocene palaeoenvironmental and paleoclimatic implications for Southern South America, Goldschmidt conference, 24-20 June, 2012, Montreal Canada

M. Allan, G. Le Roux, N. Mattielli, N. Piotrowska and N. Fagel (poster). Mid and late Holocene dust deposition in Western Europe: The Misten peat bog (Hautes Fagnes - Belgium), Goldschmidt conference, 24-20 June, 2012, Montreal Canada

L. Pourcelot, G. Le Roux, D. Claval, X. Cagnat (poster) Uranium and decay products in some soils in the vicinity of former uranium mining sites 2-6 July, Eurosoils 2012 Bari Italy

M Allan, G Le Roux, F De Vleeschouwer, N Mattielli, N Fagel. Atmospheric deposition of Pb, Cu, Ni, As, Sb, V, Cr, Co, Cd and Zn recorded in the Misten peat bog (Hautes-Fagnes, Belgium) during the Industrial Revolution, EGU General Assembly Conference, April 2012

A. Simonneau, E. Chapron, T. Courp, D. Galop, G. Le Roux, K. Tachikawa, M. Desmet, E. Bard, caractérisation pluridisciplinaire de la sédimentation lacustre pyrénéenne en moyenne montagne (Etang Majeur, Haut Vicdessos, Ariège, France). 13ème Congrès Français de Sédimentologie, Dijon – Livre des résumés, 2011, Publ. ASF, Paris, n° 68, 342 p.312 - 14 au 16 novembre 2011

Enrico M, Heimbürger LE, Sonke JE, Le Roux G, De Vleeschouwer F. (poster) Evolution of atmospheric mercury deposition and emission sources recorded in an ombrotrophic peat bog in the French Pyrenees over the past 10,000 years. Environmental & Pyrenees International Conference (EPIC) Sciences Building Hall, School of Sciences, University of Navarra, 19-21 October 2011

Galop D, Houet T, Mazier F, Le Roux G, Rius D. Learning From the Past: grazing and biodiversity in the Pyrenees. Environmental & Pyrenees International Conference (EPIC) Sciences Building Hall, School of Sciences, University of Navarra, 19-21 October 2011

Heimbürger LE, Enrico M, De Vleeschouwer F , Le Roux G and Sonke JE (poster), Evolution of atmospheric mercury deposition and emission sources recorded in an ombrotrophic peat bog in the french Pyrenees over the past 10.000 years 10th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant, Halifax, Canada, 24-29 July 2011

F. De Vleeschouwer, R. de Jong, G. Le Roux, P. Hughes. (poster). Is there anything other than human-induced dust in the last millennium air? INQUA Conference, 21-27 July 2011, Bern, Switzerland

De Vleeschouwer F., Mattielli N., Renson V., Le Roux G. and Fagel N. (2010). A paleorecord of atmospheric lead déposition in France. New data from La Godivelle peat bog (Puy de Dôme). SEGH Symposium, July 2010, Galway. Abstract + Poster.

De Vleeschouwer F., Fagel N., Gerrienne P., Javaux E., Streel M., Luthers C., Damblon F., Court-Picon M., Le Roux G., Mauquoy D., Piotrowska N., Sikorski J., Allan M., Mattielli N., Brack J., Wastiaux C., Hindrycks M.-N. and Leclercq L. (2010). Spatio-temporal natural and anthropogenic environmental variability during the last 1500yrs in an ombrotrophic bog (East Belgium). EGU general assembly, May 2010, Vienna. Abstract + Poster.

De Vleeschouwer F., Fagel N., Piotrowska N., Sikorski J., Pawlyta J., Cheburkin A., Lamentowicz M., Pazdur A., Mattielli N., Renson V., Fialkiewicz-Koziel B., Mauquoy D. and Le Roux G. (2010). Multiproxy investigation of climatic changes and human activities in a Baltic bog (N. Poland) during the last millennium. EGU general assembly, May 2010, Vienna. Abstract + Poster.

Allan M., Fagel N., De Vleeschouwer F., Mattielli N., Sikorski J., Sonke J. and Le Roux G. (2010). Traces metal inputs in the Misten bog (East Belgium). Level of contamination and spatial variability. EGU general assembly, May 2010, Vienna. Abstract + Poster.

De Vleeschouwer F., Luthers C., Court-Picon M., Mauquoy D., Wastiaux C., Le Roux G., Pawlyta J., Pazdur A., Sikorski J. and Piotrowska N. (2009). Multiproxy study in the Misten bog (East Belgium) during the last millenium. Palaeoclimatic vs. anthropogenic signals. 11th International Paleolimnology Symposium, Mexico, June 2009. Abstract + poster.

Pawlyta J., Lamentowicz M., De Vleeschouwer F., Mauquoy D., Piotrowska N., Sikorski J. and Le Roux G. (2009). Isotopic composition of carbon in Sphagnum peat in Central Europe during the last Millenium. 6th International Symposium on Ecosystem behavior. 29th June-3rd July, Helsinki, Finland. Abstract + Poster.

L. Pourcelot, Ph. Renaud and G. Le Roux (poster) Variability og atmospheric deposition on mountainous area., Goldschmidt 2008, Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta, Vol. 72, Issue 12, Supplement 1, A758

De Vleeschouwer F., Lamentowicz M., Piotrowska N., Mauquoy D., Cheburkin A., Le Roux G., Fagel N., Sikorvski J., Renson V., Fialkiewicz B. (2008). Recent climatic instability in Poland and the effect of the Little Ice Age on human activities. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, April 2008. Abstract + poster.

O. Masson, D. Piga, G. Le Roux, L. Bourcier, L. Saey, P. Paulat, X. Cagnat (2007) Relationship between origin of air masses and 137Cs activities in French aerosols, 2000-2006 (European Aerosol Conference, Salzburg, Austria, 9-14/09/2007)

De Vleeschouwer F., Gérard L., Goormaghtigh C., Mattielli N., Le Roux G. and Fagel N. (2007) Two millennia of atmospheric lead and heavy metals pollution in Belgium: a record from and ombrotrophic bog. (9th Conference on absolute Chronology. 25th-27th April, Gadam Center, Gliwice, Poland). Abstract + talk.

De Vleeschouwer F., Gérard L., Goormaghtigh C., Mattielli N., Le Roux G. and Fagel N. (2007) Last two Millennia atmospheric lead and heavy metals inputs in a Belgian peat bog: regional to global Human impacts. EGU meeting, Vienna, 15th-21st April 2007. Abstract + talk.

F. De Vleeschouwer, L. Gérard, M. Streel, G. Le Roux and N. Fagel, présentation orale : Holocene record of atmospheric flux geochemical in a Belgian Hautes Fagnes peat bog: Preliminary geochemical results. (BELQUA, Tervuren, mai 2004)

F. De Vleeschouwer, L. Gerard, N. Matielli, G. Le Roux, S. Leclercq, N. FagelandH. Kempter, présentation orale: Recent and past atmospheric lead and heavy metals inputs in North West Europe: Sources and Origin (The Quaternary Research Association Third International Postgraduate Symposium, Bruxelles, 2004)

L. Gérard, F. De Vleeschouwer, N. Mattielli, M. Streel, G. Le Roux et N. Fagel ; poster : Holocene record of atmospheric flux by geochemical and Pb isotopes signatures in a Belgian Hautes Fagnes peat bog: Preliminary results (Goldschmidt conference, Copenhagen, 2004)

D. J. Weiss, B. Kober, T.F. Mason, A. Dolgopolova, B.J. Coles, K. Gallagher, G. Le Roux, B. Spiro, R. Seltmann; présentation orale: Lead as transient geochemical tracers in the environment: Assessing high precision isotope ratio measurements in lichens, peat, and silicates using multi-collector ICP-MS (EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, Nice , 2003)

M. Krachler, N. Rausch, J. Frank, G. Le Roux, W. Shotyk; présentation orale: Sektorfeld ICP MS für die Bestimmung von Spurenelementen und Isotopenverhältnissen in Torfkernen und Porenwässern (6. Symposium Massenspektrometrische Verfahren der Elementspurenanalyse/18. ICP-MS Anwendertreffen, Berlin, Germany, 2003)

Conférences invitées:

2005: Université de Gand, Dpt de Chimie analytique: "Isotope geochemistry of Pb in peat and snow"

2006: Université de Toulouse, EcoLab: " Dépôts atmosphériques en métaux lourds et en radionucléides en Europe : sources et archives environnementales "

2007: Université de Besançon, Géosciences: "Past chronologies of atmospheric deposition of Pb and other metals"

Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement-CEA-CNRS, Orsay: "Use of radiogenic and radioactive isotopes in environmental geochemistry"

Université de Liège, Dpt de Géologie: "Atmospheric deposition of trace elements and radionuclides"

Université de Aberystwyth: Cours magistral donné: "Sources and timing of metal mining activity in Europe: the ombotrophic peat archive" dans le cadre de l'Action européenne COST A27 Landmarks Action “From Local to Global: Scales and implications of historic mining”, Training School d'Aberystwyth (Pays de Galles) "Analytical techniques and Mining Landscapes".

2009: LMTG, Toulouse: "Atmospheric deposition of trace elements and radionuclides at different spatial and time scales"

2011: CRPG, Nancy: "Atmospheric deposition of atmospheric particles over Europe on different time and spatial scales"

2012: ENSAT Toulouse: "Perturbation par l'Homme du cycle biogéochimique d'un métal peu connu l'antimoine: son impact sur l'environnement", Journée de la recherche ENSAT jeudi 22 Mars 2012

2013: LHYGES, Université de Strasbourg: "Atmospheric deposition of trace elements during the Holocene: new environmental and paleoclimatic insights on atmospheric metals and dust cycles", 7 mars 2013

2013: CICTERRA-CONICET, University of Cordoba, Argentina: “U-Th daughter isotopes: multi-scalar tracers of atmospheric deposition”, 25 oct. 2013

2013: Dpt Renewable Ressources, University of Edmonton: “Natural and anthropic variability of atmospheric deposition in trace elements and radionuclides in remote areas”, 12 dec. 2013, “