

F. Zaman, H. Hirose: A Robust Bagging Method Using Median as a Combination Rule, IEEE 7th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology 2008 (CIT2008), University of Technology, Sydney, Australia, pp.55-60, July 8 - 11, 2008. [pdf]

F. Zaman, H. Hirose: A new double bagging via the support vector machine with application to the condition diagnosis for the electric power apparatus, ICDMA 2009, Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science, Vol. 2174, Issue. 1, pp. 654-660, 2009. [pdf]

F. Zaman, H. Hirose: An experimental study on a new ensemble method using robust and order statistics, International Conference on Data Mining (DMIN'09), pp.333-339, July 13-16, 2009, USA.


G. Lemaitre and P.M. Walker, "Absolute Quantification in 1H MRSI of the Prostate at 3T", Université de Bourgogne, Universitat de Girona, Heriot-Watt University. 2011 [pdf]

J. Cartwright, N. Johnson, B. Davis, Z. Qiang, T.L. Bravo, A. Enoch, G. Lemaitre, H. Roth, and Y. Petillot, "Nessie III Autonomous Underwater Vehicle for SAUC-E 2008", The Unmanned Underwater Vehicle Showcase (UUVS). 2008 [pdf]

Matser thesis:

G. Lemaitre and P.M. Walker, "Absolute Quantification in 1H MRSI of the Prostate at 3T", Université de Bourgogne, Universitat de Girona, Heriot-Watt University. 2011 - [pdf] [talk]