Yuanwei (Kevin) Fang

Ph.D., Computer Science, The University of Chicago

 Email Address: fywkevin@gmail.com


Yuanwei currently works at Modular -- a startup focusing on AI infra. He was an AI system researcher at Alibaba DAMO. He obtained his Ph.D. degree from the Computer Science Department of The University of Chicago in 2019 under the supervision of Prof. Andrew A. Chien. He is interested in the entire stack of computing systems, such as computer architecture, compiler, system, database, and AI.  At Alibaba, he mainly works on AI software (compiler and runtime system) and LLM optimization. In his Ph.D., Yuanwei worked on accelerating data analysis in the data lake paradigm using both software and hardware techniques. He is the recipient of the 2016 Qualcomm Roberto Padovani Award in recognition of his innovative contribution. He also received the CERES Research Award from the CS Department of the University of Chicago. He received his B.S. in Microelectronics from Fudan University.

