Space Race Now Responses

Artist's conception of SpaceX Starship launch

Before class, each student on the team needs to post to the group's Google Doc a link to a news story about your area of investigation along with its title. In at least 100 words, explain why the story seems important to you and any questions it raises.  Your audience is the class, not the space expert in the room. You must write these and post these in our Draft Exchange folder.

Where to start looking

Focus on a story that influences our knowledge of the Space Race then or now (not UFOS, SF films, and other topics not related to our class)


My Team got SpaceX News (or NASA News, as this is a NASA mission too)

"Crew-7 Launches to the Space Station" (posted by Joe Essid)

This piece shows me how routine SpaceX Dragon capsules have become, as a relatively inexpensive way to get humans to orbit. The new technology of the reusable rocket and capsule has replaced the complicated and difficult-to-maintain NASA space shuttles that flew from the 1980s-2010s. This mission stands out as being the first to carry four people from different space agencies to the International Space Station. Being a little skeptical of Elon Musk's big claims about Starship, his other space project, I wonder if NASA won't use some of Musk's proven technology for its return to the Moon.  (You don't need to count, but this came in at 97 words)

What we'll do with them in class

Your team will discuss all four stories shared for about 15 minutes, adding any details before each group shares at least ONE of the pieces with the class. After all four teams go, we'll go around again for more stories.

How they figure into your grade

I'll check and grade these. They are easy 100 responses if you do your work diligently and the link works!  If you miss class, you got a zero for the response if it's after your 3 permitted skips.  I will, however, not average in the lowest response grade for the term.