Our Products

Kerberos SPN Generation Setup Tool

A tool that helps set up Kerberos Security for Microsoft Business Intelligence products. This tool helps you document your Kerberos Setup as well as Generates needed SPNs.

PerformancePoint - Text Search Filter

Ever wish you had an easy way to enter a partial customer name (from a list of millions) and get a quick result? Here is your answer. URL Parameterization is also supported.

SharePoint Office Document Link Checker

Check links inside of Microsoft Office documents that are in these formats (.docx, .docm, .xlsx, .xlsm, .pptx, pptm). These documents can be stored inside of SharePoint. Coming Soon!

SSRS - Excel Unformatted Export

Have you ever had a grouped report and wish you could export "just the data' to excel without the Report Header, grouped level information, etc.? The custom renderer is the answer.