Note: Author names are listed in alphabetical order for all papers except for 3 papers with Professor Matsuura, 1 paper with Professor Kazumori, and 1 paper with Professor Swamy.
[1] Accounting and Finance
T. Imai, and F. Takeda. "Stock Price Reactions to Research and Development News on Pharmaceutical Companies in Japan" Proceedings of the 2024 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM2024), forthcoming.
V. Swamy, M. Dharani, and F. Takeda. "Does Twitter Happiness Predict Bullish Markets? A Study of the US Stock Markets." forthcoming in IIMB Management Review, 2024. Full Paper
H. Miyachi, and F. Takeda. "Empirical study on voting results and proxy advisor recommendations in Japan." Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions, and Money 92, 101973, 2024 Abstract
Correction: Shoichi Tsuburaya => Shoichi Tsumuraya
C. Feng and F. Takeda. "Effects of COVID-19 pandemic on the market value of Japanese gaming companies" Applied Economics, 56(40): 4849-4860, 2024. Abstract
R. Sato and F. Takeda. "Effects of shareholder proposals on the market value of Japanese firms" International Review of Economics and Finance 86: 320-333, 2023. Abstract
Frendy and F. Takeda. "Employing String Similarity Metrics of Partners to Estimate Audit Team Continuity: Determinant and Its Effects on Audit Outcomes and Pricing." Journal of Accounting Literature 45(2): 314-339, 2023. Abstract
K. Mori and F. Takeda. "The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Japanese stock markets, revisited." Keio Business Forum 39(1) 2023. Abstract
K. Kikuchi, H. Miyachi, and F. Takeda. "Hedge fund activism in Japan: A Comparison between the First and Second Waves." Keio Business Forum 39(1) 2023. Abstract
K. Masumoto, and F. Takeda. "Market reactions to proxy advisory companies’ recommendations in Japan." Finance Research Letters 50: 103331, 2022. Abstract.
F. Takeda, K. Takeda, T. Takemura, and R. Ueda. "The Impact of Information Technology Investment Announcements on the Market Value of the Japanese Regional Banks ." Finance Research Letters 41: 101811, 2021. Abstract.
H. Miyachi, and F. Takeda. "Hedge fund activism in Japan under the Stewardship and Corporate Governance Codes." International Advances in Economic Research 27(2): 119-130, 2021. Abstract
K. Shimamoto, and F. Takeda. "IFRS adoption and accounting conservatism of Japanese firms with governance system transition ." International Advances in Economic Research 26(2): 161-173, 2020. Abstract.
K. Kaneko, R. Kashiwazaki, and F. Takeda. "Does Japanese Business Group Membership Improve Post-Merger Performance? " International Advances in Economic Research 26(1): 45-57, 2020. Abstract.
R. Kashiwazaki, S. Sato, and F. Takeda. "Does IFRS adoption accelerate M&A? The consequences of different goodwill accounting in Japan ." International Advances in Economic Research 25(4): 399-415, 2019. Abstract.
E. Kazumori, F. Fang, R. Sharman, F. Takeda, and H. Yu. "Asset Pricing with Liquidity Risk: A Replication and Out-of-Sample Tests with the Recent US and the Japanese Market Data." Critical Finance Review 8(1-2): 73-80, 2019. Abstract.
S. Nagao, F. Takeda, and R. Tanaka. "Nowcasting of the US Unemployment Rate Using Google Trends ." Finance Research Letters, 30: 103-109, 2019. Abstract.
V. Swamy, M. Dharani, and F. Takeda. "Investor Attention and Google Search Volume Index: Evidence from an Emerging Market using Quantile Regression Analysis." Research in International Business and Finance, 50: 1-17 2019. Abstract. (Lead article).
There is a corrigendum to this article.
S. Ishigami, and F. Takeda. "Market Reactions to Stock Rating and Target Price Changes in Analyst Reports: Evidence from Japan." Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money 52: 134-151, 2018. Abstract.
There is a corrigendum to this article.
S. Sato, and F. Takeda. "IFRS Adoption and Stock Prices of Japanese Firms in Governance System Transition." The International Journal of Accounting 52(4): 319-337, 2017. Abstract.
F. Takeda. "Corporate Governance in Japan." in V. Capizzi, U. Braendle, and A. Kostyuk (Eds.) "Corporate Governance: new challenges and opportunities." (236-250) Virtus Interpress: Uklaine, 2017.
Y. Adachi, M. Masuda, and F. Takeda. "Google Search Intensity and Its Relationship to the Returns and Liquidity of Japanese Startup Stocks." Pacific-Basin Finance Journal 46(B): 243-257, 2017. Abstract.
F. Takeda and T. Watanabe. "Corporate Governance and Stock Prices of Japanese Firms Adopting International Financial Reporting Standards: Early Evidence." Doshisha Shogaku (The Doshisha Business Review) 67(4): 303-315, 2016.
K. Chikamoto, F. Takeda, and A. Yokoyama. "Cross-Border M&As and Firm Value: A Comparison of China- and US-Japan M&As." Contemporary Economic Policy 34(2): 352-368, 2016. Abstract.
Z. Bai, M. Sakaue, and F. Takeda. "The Impact of XBRL Adoption on the Information Environment in Japan." The Japanese Accounting Review 4:49-74, 2014. Full text
Y. Saito and F. Takeda. "Global Audit Firm Networks and Their Reputation Risk." Journal of Accounting, Auditing & Finance 29(3): 203-237, 2014, Lead article. Abstract
F. Takeda and T. Wakao. "Google Search Intensity and Its Relationship with Returns and Trading Volume of Japanese Stocks." Pacific-Basin Finance Journal 27: 1-18, 2014, Lead article. Abstract
There is a corrigendum to this article.
R. Nishizaki, Y. Takano, and F. Takeda. "Information Content of Internal Control Weaknesses: The Evidence from Japan." The International Journal of Accounting 49(1): 1-26, 2014, Lead article. Abstract
K. Chikamoto, C. Lu, F. Takeda, and M. Watanabe. "Cross-border M&A and Firm Value: Evidence from Chinese Acquisitions of Japanese Firms." Corporate Ownership & Control 10(Spring: Special Conference Issue): 8-29, 2013, Lead article. Abstract
H. Murase, S. Numata and F. Takeda "Reputation of Low-Quality Big 4 and Non-Big 4 Auditors: Evidence from Auditor Switches of Former ChuoAoyama Clients." Journal of Governance and Regulation 2(2: Special Conference Issue): 7-23、2013, Lead article. Abstract.
S. Kawashima and F. Takeda. "Market Reactions to the Reform of Shareholder Derivative Litigation in Japan." Journal of Forensic and Investigative Accounting 5(2): 200-233, 2013. Abstract
R. Nakagawa, H. Oiwa and F. Takeda. "The Economic Impact of Herd Behavior in the Japanese Loan Market." Pacific-Basin Finance Journal 20(4): 600-613, 2012. Abstract.
H. Kawanishi and F. Taked.a "Market Reactions to the Disclosure of Internal Control Weaknesses under the Japanese Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2006." 119-133. In: A. S. Wetherby ed., The Stock Market: Crisis, Recovery, and Emerging Economies. Nova Science Publishers: NY, 2011. Abstract
S. Numata and F. Takeda. "Stock Market Reactions to Audit Failure in Japan: The Case of Kanebo and ChuoAoyama."The International Journal of Accounting, 45(2): 175-199, 2010. Abstract.
K. Seino and F. Takeda. "Stock Market Reactions to the Japanese Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2006."Corporate Ownership & Control 7(2): 126-136, 2009. Abstract
F. Takeda and K. Takeda. “How Large Creditors Affect Corporate Bond Prices through Creditor Coordination.” Journal of International Economic Studies, No. 22: 31-49, 2008. Abstract.
R. Kawahara and F. Takeda. “Mergers and Acquisitions and Corporate Performance in Japan.” ICFAI Journal of Mergers and Acquisitions 4(3): 36-45, 2007. Abstract
S. Nagayama and F. Takeda. "R&D Stages and Stock Price Reactions in the Japanese Market." Working Paper, Available at SSRN:
Y. Kakuda and F. Takeda. “Quantifying Stock Price Reactions to Announcements of Mergers and Acquisitions in Japan.” Global Business & Economics Anthology 2006, Vol. 1, 144-154. Full text.
F. Takeda and K. Takeda. “Refinancing and Coordination among Multiple Creditors and a Debtor Firm.” Global Business & Economics Review 7(2/3): 234-246, 2005. Abstract
F. Takeda and K. Takeda. “The Price of Debt and the Role of Large Creditors in Creditor Coordination.” Global Business & Economics Anthology 2005, 146-157.
[2] Marketing and Advertising
N. Maki and F. Takeda. "Market Reactions to eSports Sponsorship Announcements in Japan: Before and After the Outbreak of COVID-19." Proceedings of the 2023IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM2023): 118-122. Abstract
F. Takeda. "Do Sport Sponsorship Announcements Help or Hurt Rival Sponsors’ Market Values?" Journal of Advertising Research 62(2): 167-176, 2022. Abstract.
Y. Suenaga and F. Takeda. "The Impact of Postponing the Olympics on Stock Markets." International Advances in Economic Research 27(3): 219-232, 2021. Abstract
K. Mori, T. Morino, and F. Takeda. "Does athletes' performance influence a sponsor's stock-market value?" Journal of Advertising Research 60(4): 439-451, 2020. Abstract.
Y. Hino and F. Takeda. "Market Reaction to Sport Sponsorship Announcements: Comparison between Sponsors and Their Rivals." Sport Management Review 23(3): 401-413, 2020. Abstract.
There are correction notes to this article.
K. Mori and F. Takeda. "Corporate responses to Internet flaming: Evidence from Japan." Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM2019) : 359-363, 2019. Full Text.
K. Mori and F. Takeda. "Internet Flaming: Stock Price Reactions and Corporate Response ." International Journal of Innovation in Management 7(2): 73-80, 2019. Full Text.
Y. Adachi and F. Takeda. "Characteristics and Stock Prices of Firms Flamed on the Internet: Evidence from Japan." Electronic Commerce Research and Applications. 17: 49-61, 2016. Abstract.
Y. Adachi and F. Takeda. "The Impact of Online Flaming of Firm Value: The Evidence from Japan." Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Internet Studies. Abstract.
T. Akimoto and F. Takeda. “Price Movements in the Japanese Online Home Electronics Markets.”Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 8(1): 28-36, 2009. Abstract
T. Murata and F. Takeda. “The Effect of Management Strategies on Firm Value: The Case of the Online Advertising Industry in Japan.” Global Business & Economics Anthology 2006, Vol. 1, 25-36
F. Takeda and H. Yamazaki. “Stock Price Reactions to Public TV Programs on Listed Japanese Companies.” Economics Bulletin 13(7): 1-7, 2006. Abstract
[3] International Economics and Finance
T. Ito and F. Takeda. "Do sentiment indices always improve the prediction accuracy of exchange rates? " Journal of Forecasting 41(4): 840-852, 2022. Abstract
T. Ito, M. Masuda, A. Naito, and F. Takeda. "Application of Google Trends-based sentiment index in exchange rate prediction." Journal of Forecasting 40(7): 1154-1178, 2021. Abstract
S. Sakata and F. Takeda "Effects of Oral Intervention on Fluctuations in Exchange Rates: Evidence from Japan 1995-2011." Journal of Reviews on Global Economics, Vol. 2, 60-78, 2013. Full Text
F. Takeda “A Twin Crisis Model with Incomplete Information.” Journal of the Japanese and International Economies 18(1): 28-56, 2004. Abstract
K. Matsuura and F. Takeda “Exchange Rate Pass-Through and Strategic Behavior in Japanese Imports of DRAMs.” Journal of the Korean Economy 4(2): 345-369, 2003. Full Text
F. Takeda and K. Matsuura “Exchange Rate Pass-Through and Strategic Pricing: Evidence from Japanese Imports of DRAMs.” Economics Bulletin 6(8): 1-13, 2003. Abstract
F. Takeda “Bank Runs and International Financial Instability Revisited.” Economics Letters 73(2): 187-194, 2001. Abstract
[4] Energy and Environmental Economics
S. Kawashima and F. Takeda. "The Effect of the Fukushima Nuclear Accident on Stock Prices of Electric Power Utilities." Energy Economics 34(6): 2029-2038, 2012. Abstract
F. Takeda and T. Tomozawa. “A Change in Market Responses to the Environmental Management Ranking in Japan.” Ecological Economics 67(3):465-472, 2008. Abstract
S. Nagayama and F. Takeda. “An Empirical Study on the Impact of Environmentally-Friendly News on Stock Prices in Japan.” Global Business & Economics Anthology 2007, Vol. 1, 129-137. Full Text
F. Takeda and T. Tomozawa. “An Empirical Study on Stock Price Responses to the Release of the Environmental Management Ranking in Japan.” Economics Bulletin 13(6): 1-4, 2006. Abstract
F. Takeda and K. Matsuura. “Trade and the Environment in East Asia: Examining the Linkages with Japan and the USA.” Journal of the Korean Economy 7(1): 33-56, 2006.
F. Takeda and K. Matsuura. “Trade and the Environment in Latin America: Examining the Linkage with the USA.” Economics Bulletin 6(6): 1-8, 2005. Abstract
K. Matsuura and F. Takeda. "The Effect of 'Dirty' Trade on the Environment: A Panel Cointegration Analysis of CO2 Emissions in Latin America." Global Business & Economics Anthology 2005, 280-288.
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