Other Linux Capability Go Packages

The "kernel.org/pub/linux/libs/security/libcap/cap" package was developed in 2019. AGM, at the time, was looking for an existing Go Linux Capability package, and didn't find anything that honored POSIX semantics and could be easily cross-compiled: specifically nothing libcap feature equivalent, in pure Go. That package debuted in libcap-2.28. But it, also, couldn't be easily cross-compiled because it relied on libpsx (CGo) linkage. This started a quest to "fix Go", and that happened when go1.16 was released in 2021.

The sole design goal for the  ".../libcap/cap" package is to be a Go native implementation, fully equivalent to the C library libcap.

There are a number of Linux Capability Go packages out there, many in widespread use and evidently fit for their client needs, so to be fully transparent we maintain a table with handy links. We've (shamelessly) listed the libcap/cap one first, but the remainder are listed roughly in popularity order as counted by pkg.go.dev, and their "Imported By" count. (File a bug if you find an unlisted package that we've missed or it doesn't appear on the pkg.go.dev site, and we'll add it to the table.)

Key for table: