Invited speakers

We are delighted to announce the following invited speakers:

Dr Neil Wilson

University of Warwick, UK


Prof. SĂ©amus Davis

University of Oxford, UK and

University College Cork, RoI


Prof Davis's research concentrates on the fundamental physics of electronic, magnetic and atomic quantum matter. His major specialty is development of innovative instrumentation to allow direct visualization (or perception) of characteristic quantum many-body phenomena at atomic scale.

Dr Wilson's works on correlating atomic and mesoscale structure with physical properties in nanomaterials, with an emphasis on quantitative measurements. His current research is mainly on the structural, mechanical, electronic and electrical properties of graphene and other two dimensional materials (2DMs).

Prof. Kamran Behnia

CNRS & ESPCI Paris, France


Prof Behnia's research interests are in collective quantum phenomena in a variety of solids ranging from semimetals to superconductors. He is also the author of the book Fundamentals of Thermoelectricity (Oxford University Press, 2015).

Prof. David Logan

University of Oxford, UK


Prof Logan's research centres on developing microscopic theories for a variety of phenomena relating to the electronic and magnetic properties of condensed matter. This encompasses both the vast world of the solid state, be it crystalline or amorphous, as well as topical nanoscale systems such as quantum dots and molecular electronic devices. As such his work is very much interdisciplinary, straddling the borders of chemistry and physics.