Join us

You are welcome to study computational biology in Japan!


You can join us as a master's or PhD student at either the University of Tokyo, or Ochanomizu University.

Foreign students are sometimes supported by a Monbukagakusho scholarship. Recruitment for this seems to happen around April or May.

Summer programs: UTSIP, UTRIP, JSPS, ...

Postdocs are also welcome, but you would likely need your own funding. Likely sources include JSPS and HFSP. Here is a funding guide for Europeans.

Other ad hoc visitors are welcome too, but unfortunately we have to turn down some visitors due to administrative burden. In particular, if you need our help to get a Japanese visa, that is not trivial for us, and we cannot always say "yes".

Our working language is a mixture of English and Japanese, depending on who is present. You'll have a good chance to practice either language!